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@baymule I have to go with @seedcorn on this one. I'm green with envy over that whole picking tomatoes in December thing!! My loves, and yes my tomato plants are my loves, grew beautifully all spring, even bounced back from the late freeze we had, but the heavy rains of late spring and drought of summer gave me big bushes and lackluster bounty. This spring, they're going in a fresh bed in the middle of the back yard!!@baymule snow balls are better than store bought tomatoes.....
For all the newbies, about now you should understand how mean these southerners are. Always bragging with pix, their tomatoes....... you don’t see us showing them tomato pix in January....... no, we are considerate of others feelings....
I decided to do two raised beds in the section of my garden I lovingly refer to as "the Lab". This is where I conduct my various experiments to see what works best. We have very sandy dry land in Northern Nevada, I think raised beds will give me bore control over the soil and watering than my mounded rows did. So the tomatoes are going in those raised beds. I'm rigging your cages with upside-down t-posts set into pvc pipes buried around the perimeter. My thinking is I will want to rotate crops as the years go by so doing them this way we can run parallel fence to make the cage one year then pull them up and use a single fence at the back for beans cukes etc... when not in use these fences can hang on hooks on the back of my well house until they are needed to customize another raised beds. I'm anticipating these beds to be a real step forward and think we will eventually change the whole garden over. I'm trying to plan for the future, so thanks for the updates, that helps a lot! I'll share pics once I get these things built, but first I need to pull up all my corn rows and get the area level...@pippomky75 We are going to raise our cow panels up off the ground. After a couple of years, the cardboard, feedsacks and compost layers have built up and are covering the bottom of the panel. We used 7' T-posts, and we are going to go to the top of the T-posts with the cow panels. It will make it easier to put the cardboard in the rows.
Low tonight of 14F Will be below freezing several more days.
@baymule , tell him hi back. He’s my hero having the fortitude to live with you.....@seedcorn my husband sends his regards. Lunch! With home made ranch dressing in the middle.
View attachment 23875
@baymule , tell him hi back. He’s my hero having the fortitude to live with you.....looks like a 5* Meal.
Side note, your husband sends his regards, you POST pix of fresh vegetables while we fight sub zero temps and snow..... tells me whomthe nice one is.