Bay, you know me I'm clueless to weight. Is this a good amount? Or were they on the light side for the breed?Piper, the hog with the most white, hanging weight is 188 pounds.
Poodle hanging weight is 178 pounds.
Dinner the Lamb hanging weight is 51 pounds.
Bay, you know me I'm clueless to weight. Is this a good amount? Or were they on the light side for the breed?
Bay .... can you tell us what the breed parentage is for this year old weather ? This will help in what to expect to get a percentage of live to hanging weight.Bay, you know me I'm clueless to weight. Is this a good amount? Or were they on the light side for the breed?
Did this weather have a thin / light bone conformation ? My across the road neighbor's Dorper (very meaty type conformation ram ) x Ramboullet (wool type ewes ) 9months to year old weathers raised on pasture alone, dress out 20+pounds more. This ram when crossed with his Barbados - small, fine boned more wild type ewes ( he sells these cross ram lambs to Muslims for their holidays ) these lambs dress out about 40-50 lbs.This wether was 3/4 Dorper and 1/4 Katahdin.