Garden Master
Plenty of beneficial insects here, to the point that there are few insects that I need to worry about. Ladybugs, lacewings, hover flies, and a large wasp population keep aphids & caterpillars under control. There was a brief infestation of aphids this year, on one of my soybeans - completely wiped out in the space of 10 days. I watched a wasp swoop down on a deer fly that I had swatted out of the air, before it could take off again... wish I could train them all to do that, my gardening would be much more pleasant.
Not all of the beneficials are insects. DW has a lot of hanging bird houses, the resident bird population can often be seen chasing down a moth or grass hopper. And there is a Coopers hawk nesting in my tree line, which helps to keep the rabbit/rodent population manageable.
With the exception of SVB & squash bugs, most of my insect pests are beetles - Japanese beetles, cucumber beetles, and Colorado potato beetle. All that seems to get rid of them is persistence on my part.
Not all of the beneficials are insects. DW has a lot of hanging bird houses, the resident bird population can often be seen chasing down a moth or grass hopper. And there is a Coopers hawk nesting in my tree line, which helps to keep the rabbit/rodent population manageable.
With the exception of SVB & squash bugs, most of my insect pests are beetles - Japanese beetles, cucumber beetles, and Colorado potato beetle. All that seems to get rid of them is persistence on my part.