Yes !!! Since all of the raintree's trees died, I bought replacement 5 gal. trees and cheeper from Home Depot on clearance and ALL of these are alive and well growing like weeds.
@Nyboy you can go here and read reviews of different mail order companies.
If you go through several of your favorites you'll find mixed reviews on them. Some are 5 star ratings and some are one star for the same place. Sometimes stuff happens..... a good sampling of different peoples opinions is a good place to start.
i've always like Garden Watchdog on Dave's. it's come in very handy over the years when i find a new company i'm curious about ordering from. watch out for some of those nurseries in TN since there are a lot of them in that area and some go by many names but are really the same location in the same town. using the WD you need to read most of the feedback since they found out that some of the comments are padded to make them look better. WD has gone in and removed or noted those they found were fictitious and you should see that. which screams to me to avoid those companies.
some online websites will have a Garden Watchdog award posted on them from a certain year. they give them out for different categories like 'seeds company', 'trees', 'bulbs', etc.
over the last couple years, i have found some good cuttings on ebay. i also gathered some local native seed to try seed bombing for bee forage and the like. i did dig up a commercial blueberry nursery in FL, but i also need commercial quantities of hybrid hazelnuts, blackberries, japanese persimmons, pomegranates, citrus etc. i did find a big seed company that offered large quantities at relatively good prices. i plan to pick up a pound or two of osage orange to try for hedge/fence from them.
i also have seen trees eerily similar to the ones that show up at the local lowes at our state farmers market. usually, they are about 1/2 the lowes price. there are several ads in our state farm bulletin for random fruiting perennials for sell rather reasonably. my biggest problems are finding varieties that give our farm an edge on the competition and finding rare (for this area) varieties for use in our large scale forest garden project at reasonable prices.
The problem with big box store trees, are you can't trust the label. I want certain trees, and wll be paying for certain varieties. I don't want to find out 10 years from now the trees I planted are not what I thought
On another forum someone who worked for a bad mailorder nursery posted, they got a large order for a certain variety fig. The nursery only had half the number of that variety. Owner of nursery took labels off another variety and used them to fill order without telling custmer. The order was over $1,000, years later the employee still feels guilty over it.