Garden Master
A varied landscape helps with diversity and the West has thousands of square miles of semi-arid or arid geography sameness, Rhodie Ranch. For all the jokes about Oregon Ducks or that it never stops raining in Seattle, the rain clouds have high mountains to cross and aren't always able to do that.So many birds that we, out west, don't have. Thanks!
The only place that I have seen Western Tanagers has been at Granite and Kelso Lakes, little lakes near @thistlebloom 's home. I used to live not far away and those little lakes were useful fishing spots for digitS' and his jonboat when the bigger lakes were wind-swept
Here's an example of a western bird - the Townsend Solitaire. Why even the name "Solitaire" gives you some idea of the problem. I couldn't really tell you about location beyond "in the middle of the piney woods." Craning my neck to see them through the trees ...
Orioles I have only seen along a river bank. Since an oriole is supposed to be an "orchard bird," I am not sure where they are in our orchards but just bet that the war against insects has meant that those birds don't find modern orchards very inviting. Rivers are an especially a good choice for viewing a variety of birds that we don't have, even in the wider river valley. I live about 2 miles from a river but that must be too far from many birds. Mountain creeks are also good places. I used to sit out near a creek and just cool down on a hot summer day. Can't see far because of the hillsides, trees and bushes but, after awhile, the birds that like this location would come by. Carry the camera on a strap around your neck and a beer in the camera case