Garden Master
You have my style of prolonging birthday celebrations. Keep celebrating!
Two years ago I suddenly decided that hitting one of the 3 chain restaurants that seem to always be the 'gathering places' is 'unacceptable' as a way to celebrate anything.. other than, say, Tuesday. Ya know, it's not like we'd look back in a few years and say something like "Remember that birthday when we went to Applebees... no, not THAT time, the other time.. when we sat by the window.. no ... the other window.." But things like "Remember that time we drove out to the mountains to that little glass studio and learned to blow glass Christmas ornaments for your birthday?" are memories WORTH marking important dates.
I started planning events, trips, activities and such to celebrate birthdays and things. It took 2 years for everyone to catch on - LOL - but we're all putting more effort into marking special days lately.