Birthday wishes for Valley Ranch


Garden Addicted
Feb 7, 2018
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@valley ranch

Happy Birthday. I just noticed where you are from. About 20 years ago, I took a trip from Tahoe to Napa, then on to San Fran. Left SF headed back to Tahoe about 5 pm or so and it was a beautiful, sunshiny day with a temp of about 60. When stopped at a little store on Donner Pass a few hours later snow was falling and it was 17 degrees. Headed down Mountain towards Truckee with a full moon shining on us at about 25 mph or so. Absolutely beautiful country, but I was real happy when Truckee came into view. We were hungry too, so stopped at an all night casino/restaurant to give my knuckles a break. Very interesting trip. I would love to live around Tahoe. It's the one place that lived up to my imagination of what something should be. Just Beautiful!


Garden Master
Nov 16, 2011
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Southeast VA

valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert
What is Lamagoon ?

Lahmajoon Is ~ like Hmoosek sez pizza ~ but no cheese ~ small ~ maybe 10 - 11" across ~ with ground bellpepper, tomato, meat parsley spices ~ made into majoon and baked ~ I like lemon juice sprinkled on it ~ with a glass of Tan a cool drink made with Madzoon ( yougurt) ~ folded in half ~ Very nice ~ we had that for birthday dinner ~ good guess Nyboy ```

@valley ranch

Happy Birthday. I just noticed where you are from. About 20 years ago, I took a trip from Tahoe to Napa, then on to San Fran. Left SF headed back to Tahoe about 5 pm or so and it was a beautiful, sunshiny day with a temp of about 60. When stopped at a little store on Donner Pass a few hours later snow was falling and it was 17 degrees. Headed down Mountain towards Truckee with a full moon shining on us at about 25 mph or so. Absolutely beautiful country, but I was real happy when Truckee came into view. We were hungry too, so stopped at an all night casino/restaurant to give my knuckles a break. Very interesting trip. I would love to live around Tahoe. It's the one place that lived up to my imagination of what something should be. Just Beautiful!

Hi ~ yes our mountain spread is near Lake Tahoe ~ both keeps are in line with HWY 50 about 80 miles apart ~ HWY 50 is the old Pony Express trail ~ today's HWY 50 ``` Truckee ~ Truckee has it's own micro climate ~ at times it's the coldest spot in the U.S. ```

If there is a place you would love to live ~ make it a point ~ we get ~ One Go Round ```

Yes ~ snowed here ~ on the high desert ~ last night ~ I'll be at the mountain ranch tonight ~ guess what will be waiting ~ good thing I put a Auger Belt on the Snowblower last week ```
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