Deeply Rooted
You know what, it is OK to have some bits eaten off the plants. Really truly. That is normal and the plants will do just FINE in compensating for it, with good soil and appropriate watering.
I would not worry about it unless it gets much more severe, to where the harvest is endangered. If that were to happen, you really have to identify the particular culprit to know what the best control strategy is.
As the years go by you will get a sense of what pests tend to become later-season Problems in your garden, so that you may want to jump on their first appearance of the year more seriously; but for now, I'd suggest just keeping an eye on things. See if you can observe which critters are making which kinds of damage (going out at night with a flashlight can be educational), but don't *worry* about it
Good luck, have fun,
I would not worry about it unless it gets much more severe, to where the harvest is endangered. If that were to happen, you really have to identify the particular culprit to know what the best control strategy is.
As the years go by you will get a sense of what pests tend to become later-season Problems in your garden, so that you may want to jump on their first appearance of the year more seriously; but for now, I'd suggest just keeping an eye on things. See if you can observe which critters are making which kinds of damage (going out at night with a flashlight can be educational), but don't *worry* about it
Good luck, have fun,