Garden Addicted
So I planted a few 5 gallon buckets worth of black walnut seeds in a section of my property figuring that if I saturated an area enough that the squirrels couldn't possibly eat them all.
I took a walk in that area this weekend now that the snow is melting. I'll let you guess how many holes I saw dug up . I guess we'll wait and see if any actually survived.
I guess this next year I should save them all and sprout them myself to plant next spring since saturating obviosuly was not the key. I mean, it was probably key to making some squirrel nice and fat and happy
I took a walk in that area this weekend now that the snow is melting. I'll let you guess how many holes I saw dug up . I guess we'll wait and see if any actually survived.
I guess this next year I should save them all and sprout them myself to plant next spring since saturating obviosuly was not the key. I mean, it was probably key to making some squirrel nice and fat and happy