I have 4 blueberries in very large containers. They do really well in them. Grow nice and big and produce lots of berries. I only water every week and a half or so. Of course in your hotter climate, you may have to water twice a week or have on a drip system. Something to think about.
Oh, I just noticed you can see three of them in my avatar. Two are in the water trough and another in the blue pot.
Thanks all.. I did plant the berries this afternoon -- I had two partially composted straw bales that I put around the mounds of prep'd soil I made from a mix of Kellog's Amend, Peat Moss with added soil acidifier and a bit of aforementioned ammonium sulfate.. I'll post pics tomorrow if I remember to get them off my phone..
Ok.. Here's the pics I promised. Since these pics were taken I've laid out some partially composted straw bale material all around the lumps of earthiness that is seen in the pics.. Eventually there will be wood chips but I've got to wait for them to arrive from a local tree company. Enjoy!