Garden Addicted
Our pair of Maremmas have been pretty successful in standing off cougars, but cougars hunt alone. Wolf packs do concern me, but they haven't made it here yet. The lone bachelor wolf had been spotted down this far and all the way into CA. As long as they don't establish a pack on the ranch, I dont think we have any problems the Maremmas can't handle. The breed was actually developed to protect from wolves in Italy but I don't think 2 dogs would be adequate. Someone said because animals are territorial we might be ok. The dogs do a perimeter patrol each night "marking" their territory. It has been breached before, but not often, so maybe that will be our saving grace. I know the cougars CAN be quite bold as a lady closer to town was having problems with her dogs losing weight... she checked in the garage where she fed them, and the food was always gone so she couldn't understand it. It was 3 weeks before she found a cougar was in the rafters and it had been stealing the dogfood. It had no fear of her or her dogs, but here there have been no tracks closer than the big pond so my guys have been effective. They are all beautiful animals...just not on someones property