Now we are expanding our BRAG , but this time for our # 1 Granddaughter. ... We just received word that our Grandson't little sister received straight "A"s on her report card in 8th grade. She is tutering 5th graders so she is getting extra credit for that. For the past 3 years for extra credit, she has been correcting homework assignments, pop quizes, as well as test papers for her class too.
Last fall my (above ) oldest grandson's friend's father ( a Cal. forest service firefighter ) died after heavy smoke inhalation caused pneumonia then died in a hospital 2 days later. My grandson spent a couple nights at his friend's house to help the friend cope. Then yesterday, another friend was called to the High School principal's office right after he arrived at his first class and was told to call his mother... his father ( age 34) had just suddenly and unexpectedly died of a heart attack. My grandson was to go salmon fishing in the Pacific Ocean for this weekend with his dad, but he told his father that he will have his friend spend the weekend with him to help him cope with his sudden loss.
My junior grandson says he can't always associate with most of his sports friends because of a "culture of " partying and drinking among them. That's why he started helping younger students at his school. He's making a 6:00 am route to pick up HS students -- too young to drive -- and taking them to the school gym for workouts each day. Then he takes every one home and gets ready for school. He is becoming the idol of up-and-coming football and basketball players at his school for his interest in helping them.
We gave out daughter and husband a lot of our land and they moved here from Ohio. They bought a house and will build out back when they are better financially stable. He he he he. Cathy ain't no fool.
Red- We used to lament that our kids did not seem to have too many friends though no one ever brought home anyone that we were unhappy with. Two of the 3 finally told us that their friends (Athletes) we always drinking and getting high. They had times where they chose no friends rather than be with druggies. All nice smart kids from good families. Quite a few of the boys in my son's class died from alcohol related accidents. Many have by now turned out OK.