Branchin' Out - growing something NEW!


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
Maybe I can split the difference, Hoodat.

One of these days, I might get around to growing the grain but 1st I'd need a better idea of its use. Redroot Pigweed is a good thing - on a plate, cooked. So, that makes me think that Amaranth would be tasty! Pigweed?!!

Kitazawa Seed has that aaannd that other green you mentioned. It's a jute. Jute?!! Another choice for leaf amaranth seed would be AgroHaitai in Canada!

I might go that route! There is a smaller bunching onion at AgroHaitai that I'd like to try. Amaranth sown late for summer greens, huh? Some other varieties should occur to me! Good idea for a topic, Cane'!


There are the new things from AgroHaitai. I decided to go with Kitazawa for the amaranth -- now, it will be just like me to forget it in my Kitazawa order!

I've grown all of these veggies before, just not these varieties. I seem to be trying to control veggie size with these choices :). Hopefully, they will be just right! Bear with me . . .

Siji is supposed to be a "small bunching onion." I am happy enuf with Gallop but some of the bunching onions are on the huge side.

Chun Yu just caught my eye as a "baby Shanghai" bok choy. I hope it isn't too tiny - Toy Choi was almost unharvestable it was so small! I just thought an alternative to Mei Qing & LuLan would be fun.

Late Green Choy Sum, I am also hoping that my old saved seed Choy Sum could have a partner. It is kind of large whereas the other Choy Sums that I have purchased were ridiculously small! The fact that this one is called "Late" rather than "pencil-sized" made me think that I could take a chance on it ;).

(Ordered several more things I've grown before & was charged $4 shipping with $2.20 worth of stamps on the envelope. Looks like an okay deal to me!)

who's been eating my veggies and has eaten them ALL UP! ~ Baby Bear


Deeply Rooted
Nov 21, 2013
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Hal and digitS have me getting excited about growing some winter squash.
Dad always grew it, but I never hankered after it and haven't given it garden space before, so it's new to me.
Growing pumpkin before doesn't count right?
Sounds like digitS and I are doing our job then.
Unless your in Australia, we call all winter squash here pumpkins so I think your safe :)