Broken Into and Robbed Again TV Found in Pawnshop


Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
That's a shame. I'm sorry that happened to you, NY. It really feels bad to have someone enter your private home and steal your stuff....feels like being violated.

I hope they catch the people...though I don't hold out much hope they won't be right back out on the streets doing it again.


Garden Master
Jul 22, 2010
Reaction score
Mattapoisett, Massachusetts
Yesterday I had some dental work that left me in a lot of pain. All I wanted to do was drive to country house park car eat handfuls of pain pills. I unlocked 2 doors to kitchen, I was very confused my kitchen table was moved but cleaning lady had not come. I went to put my bag in bedroom and notice 50 inch TV gone. I got a sinking feeling in pit of stomach, went over to window over table and it was broken. I call 911 they told me get out of house now go to road. They had used a knife to jimmy back door to storage room them broke window to kitchen. They piled power tools on floor and left knife police think something spooked them. They did take TV, watches, change, liqueur and medications. police said area having big problem with heroin, Tvs and power tools are what they go for. I could not sleep all night, it is a old house that makes a lot of night noise, which never bothered me before. Hoping they get DNA off knife left behind.
So sorry. Terrible.


Garden Master
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
WV, Zone 6B
I like to joke that anyone breaking into my house would be sadly disappointed. :confused: I would have panic attacks for weeks on end if the sanctity of my home were invaded. I hate that you had to experience that.

Our neighborhood druggie thief is afraid of my dog. She rarely barks at anyone (with the exception of the UPS man), but she did not like him. Dogs are so intuitive.

We have two neighbors out the ridge that regularly target practice with their AR-15's, day or night. And another neighbor on the hill above us who target shoots a handgun. As annoying as the other two can be, I think the neighborhood is generally safer for it, as anyone passing through wouldn't know where the sound was coming from or who would be ready for them. Most crooks are looking for a quick and easy score and will try to avoid running into you. I would look into a good security system with cameras. If they know you're not usually there, they may come back. My Dad's farm is unattended since he lives in town and whatever he doesn't bolt it down, it walks off.


Garden Master
Oct 2, 2010
Reaction score
White Plains NY,weekends Lagrange NY.
It is the feeling of being violated that really gets to me. I have never been afraid to be alone at night. Sat night every creak and groan the house made had me wondering if someone was inside. The police where suppose to talk to all the neighbors. House is on busy road, no garage people that drive by know house is empty because never a car in driveway. I had a ADT sign at road, there was a ADT sticker on all the doors didn't stop them. I got lazy and stopped setting alarm. Today is crazy at work being Roash Hashana but going to try and make some calls.Putting up a $200 reward no questions asked for return of grandfathers watch. Faxing to all pawn shops.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
I hope you get that watch back, NyBoy. Somethings are of just sentimental value but those things can be of more value than nearly anything else. I had a new watch my father gave me, one of his few personal gifts to me. It didn't take me long before I put it in the washing machine and wrecked it. It's doubtful that it's replacement cost would amount to much but, I don't care about carrying a watch and never use the one my son gave me. Anyway, Dad's wrecked watch has laid on my dresser for 15 years. When he finally passes, I know it will take on all sorts of meaning - just to me.

I reported to my garden neighbor out in the exurbs that I repeatedly pass someone on a bicycle, in the hours before daylight. He's carrying a bag. He was about a hundred yards down the road when I last saw him. It's a long way from much population for him to ride a bicycle with no light. I wondered if he was camping on the river or just out looking for something to steal. Sad either way ... although I'd rather be homeless in the countryside than sleeping on concrete, in a city.

I'm sorry that something like this gets on your nerves. It's completely normal and probably wise to be more alert. I have only had Gatorade off my deck :rolleyes: and a bicycle stolen out of my garage in recent years. TV'S must be a common item. Guns, too. I don't know how someone on a bicycle makes off with a TV but somethings have easy resale value in the criminal world. A gun makes a thief a thousand times more dangerous.
