Garden Addicted
That is way too funny and she is totally off the top of the cuteness scale!Little granddaughters are here for the week. The youngest has a cheetah suit and loves to wear it. Because of the heat, I bring Sentry inside, he goes in a dog crate. I put Buford and Sheba in the front yard, they go under the porch where it is cool.
The youngest wanted to go out on the porch to pet Buford. Sure! Buford hopped up on the porch, happy to come see us. He took one look at her, stopped dead in his tracks, scared! Where was his little girl? This thing didn’t even have hands! It had PAWS! And a long TAIL! AACCKKKK! He jumped off the porch, barking at this strange creature that knew his name!
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I had her stand still, take one hand out of the paw and called him to me. He carefully sniffed the paws, giving them a good going over. He sniffed her all over. I held the tail out and he sniffed it up and down. Finally satisfied that it was indeed his little girl, he relaxed and she could pet and hug him. It was so funny!