Garden Ornament
Patchofheaven how has your Greenhouse plans come along?
This is my first post since Sept. Been kind of MIA for a while I do post on BYC quite alot. But will try to get back on here everyday.
Pat did give you some Great advise.

We used gravel for the inside flooring of our greenhouse after we placed weed blocking cloth down. This allows for good drainage. Much easier to walk on for your knees and feet too
DH & I have a Hoop type greenhouse he bent the hoops himself. I had purchased greenhouse grade plastic to cover the structure. It came on a very large roll and we have enough to cover it again.
Dh searched for something to cover the front where the door is, he wanted some more translesent than the plastic we covered with. We thought about used windows for about 3 seconds and decieded NO as our Mow happy neighbor may hit it with flying rocks
. Then as DH was on one of his hundreds of trips to our local Lumber Yard he came home with an 8 mil clear vinyl 4 ft wide. It is called Vinyl Pane
Here is a photo of him putting it up. If ya look close you can see his reflection on it.
This stuff is double the thickness of the cover plastic and completely clear.
We are planning to make framed panels of it to go along the sides of the greenhouse and cover the top with a double layer of the plastic cover. This will increase the sunlight coming in during the day. and we will be able to see out the sides as well as we can the front now 
Here is a photo of our Greenhouse this winter after we had gotten 6 inches of snow. The white inside the front panels is 1 inch foam board for insulation. And we have bubble wrap on the inside of the sides too.
It looks like a large glow worm from the highway :coolsun
Well I need to get out to the greenhouse and water my seedlings :watering

row Karan 
This is my first post since Sept. Been kind of MIA for a while I do post on BYC quite alot. But will try to get back on here everyday.

Pat did give you some Great advise.

We used gravel for the inside flooring of our greenhouse after we placed weed blocking cloth down. This allows for good drainage. Much easier to walk on for your knees and feet too

DH & I have a Hoop type greenhouse he bent the hoops himself. I had purchased greenhouse grade plastic to cover the structure. It came on a very large roll and we have enough to cover it again.

Dh searched for something to cover the front where the door is, he wanted some more translesent than the plastic we covered with. We thought about used windows for about 3 seconds and decieded NO as our Mow happy neighbor may hit it with flying rocks

Here is a photo of him putting it up. If ya look close you can see his reflection on it.

This stuff is double the thickness of the cover plastic and completely clear.

Here is a photo of our Greenhouse this winter after we had gotten 6 inches of snow. The white inside the front panels is 1 inch foam board for insulation. And we have bubble wrap on the inside of the sides too.

It looks like a large glow worm from the highway :coolsun
Well I need to get out to the greenhouse and water my seedlings :watering