Attractive To Bees
Congrats on your new bunrabs Hoodat! And it sounds like you have some beauties there to keep you entertained until yours arrive! So glad you are back at it! 
X2!!!!You will be posting pictures of course?
They're Rexes. In addition to the great lilac color they have that velvety Rex fur. I'll be sorry to see them go. They're sweethearts and love attention. This isn't the greatest picture but it will give you an idea.vfem said:Oh that is awesome!
What kind of rabbits are these exactly that you found lilac of?
Besides good care I make sure all of my rabbits have their two favorite things; a shelf for lounging and a tunnel (Just four scrap boards nailed together lengthwise) For running through, sitting on and hiding in.thistlebloom said:Beautiful rabbits Hoody. I have a question about your cage, is that shelf they're sitting on purposed for that? Or did they decide it happened to make a good resting spot?