Garden Master
I’ve been peeking through the fence and non of my 7 neighbors garden! Well one of them does have fruit trees and an avocado but I should be fine. 
YesOther than zucchini I don't have any other squash. I should be able to save seeds right?
I was hoping to save seeds but so far I haven't seen any but maybe 1 super tiny one that may have been the start of one. Seed, do yours have good healthy size seeds?Believe they were open pollinated. May buy fresh seed next year as I have regular butternut In same garden. Hate to have them cross pollinate. When I do, I can send you some seeds.
Yes.I was hoping to save seeds but so far I haven't seen any but maybe 1 super tiny one that may have been the start of one. Seed, do yours have good healthy size seeds?
Will you be able to find it in bulk?I buy seed in bulk & then share with several people so no worries. Glad you found some.
I like the fact that one makes a decent size side dish with no left overs.