Garden Master
I have read and been told that weed seeds can live in your soil for decades. Somebody digs down and tills them up and then they sprout. I won't even mess with it.
I post the FYI bc I get frustrated with 1/2 truths about gardening.
as someone who does pretty low impact gardening in most of my patches it is rare i dig down deeply at all. if it stirs up a few weed seeds i can live with that.
as far as how long weed seeds can remain viable in the soil the last studies i saw for some plants put things like crab grass at over 75 years.
considering that seeds can be moved around by wind, rain and critters no barren spot would remain bare for long if it had enough moisture and spots for seeds to come to rest. that is why a line of rocks or other obstacles in the desert can be a start of a hedge given enough time and protection from overgrazing.