I saw one reading that was 8" on there. That's like WOW! The New Orleans area pump/drainage system is set up to handle 2" the first hour and 1" per hour after that with only minor street flooding in the normal places, but that kind of rain would cause a lot more than minor street flooding even there. But you get that where they are not set up to handle it plus all that bare ground from the fires, my heart and prayers go out to those folks.
Morning mist over the lake is dense. Can't tell from here how much Lake Pillsbury rose. I'll walk down there in a little while and look. Sure it has.
A couple of heavy storms does not break a drought, but sure puts that ole drought behind schedule.
Even as it rained several towns, Windsor and Cotati, placed water usage restrictions.
Does everyone know that the espalliered vineyards that produce so much sweeter grapes, better wines, and such bigger production than the old fashioned stump pruned, (polled), also requires irrigation, where the old fashioned stump vineyards require no irrigation? Does everyone know how this is the reason that the young generation of vineyard owners are very wealthy? (And powerful). Yes, guess what. Even more acreage of grapes is being planned and planted as I type. Grape acreage is going up in the hills visible to the east of Ukiah, higher up.
What a person sees are rectangle areas that used to be trees, 10, 20 acre sizes each.
Not only that, but while many areas had burn bans, the vineyards were allowed to burn their pruning piles.
Strange that I would notice these things.
1. wealthy vineyards can irrigate while entire towns of people can't use garden hoses.
2. wealthy vineyards can burn huge smoky burn piles of prunings and trash, while entire counties of people can't burn their leaves, nor even use their fireplaces.
Want to hear the kicker?
Back in 1973, I was the one who showed Berle B. my boss at the vineyard he just bought from ole Frank about the espallier method that was experimental at Davis. I designed it for Berle. I supervised the planting of it, i irrigated it.
It was the very first full production espalliered vineyard in sonoma county.
Over the years I have slowly and painfully evolved an inner opposition to espalliered vineyards.
Used to be, if you wanted to find the owner of a vineyard, you'd find him out there in the vines, or in the barn working on boxes or tools, or maybe somewhere around the house doing chores.
Yes, they were decent storms but it is still only about 1/3 of what we need to get out of the drought. Experts are predicting we will still have the drought all through this year and are asking people to cut back by 20%.
Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport had the first rain in 80 days!
There didn't seem to be any flash floods in AZ. Snow fell at the higher elevations. Now that California storm might make some enemies, as it continues east.
I talked to my bil this morning, it was raining as we spoke. He's in San Diegos east county.
Kind of funny, my husbands other brother was sending his kid to Disneyland
and they (kid and his mom) were whining about getting rained on while they were there.
Can you say "lack of perspective"?
Buck up, you bedwetters! If you can't have fun in spite of a little rain than you should just stay home and curl up with your pacifier!
There now. I feel a lot better.
thistle, I agree with you. I think their sissy's. They are obviously not gardeners because if they were, they would be sooooo appreciative of the rain.