Garden Master
majorcatfish said: ↑
call me anal.

Just a typical man's pocket unload. My Dad was the same way with his bedside stand~an old war chest~and heaven forbid the kid that touched any of that stuff. You'd draw back a bloody stub!
I travel light, as all my pants have an elastic waste nowadays...yeah, I'm fat...and heavy things pull my pants down a bit. Debit card, car keys in the pocket when I exit the car...the rest of the flotsam of my life is contained in a token woman's purse that gets moved only from the house to the car and back again, just in case I need the many things stored inside.
I can leave home without all that stuff, and have done so, and it doesn't bother me a bit, but age has taught me that whatever you don't have, you always need and whatever you do have, you never usually need.
So, ritual is, when I get back home and set that purse down on the dresser, the debit card gets placed immediately back into the wallet before anything else. Sort of the equivalent of Major's lining up of things each time so as to make sure they go back in the pockets.