Garden Master
Are you sure that "apple" gourd is a luffa, and not a bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria)? There is an 'apple' type on the AG2T website, in the bottle gourd section.On the luffa thing: that's sort of what I am hoping as well; that I can de-hybridize the apple luffa and get an OP that retains the short, fat fruit shape (you'd think that there would have to already BE one to make the cross in the first place, but if there is, I have never seen it.)
Summer Treasure, which is reddish-brown & white. That is a color scheme I seek, since I have 4 of such varieties (3 from the Philippines) and they are all very good. I'm holding my breath on the white-seeded one, since I tried one of those before that proved to be short-day only... lots of leaves, and only a few flowers just before frost.Which other one is bi-color?

The importing part initially concerned me as well, since there are a lot of horror stories on the web about Chinese seeds being shipped illegally... so I sent them an email asking for clarification. They responded that they import seed via legal means through APHIS, and repackage it for U.S. sale. All of which was clearly posted on their website (which I had just glanced over - ooopsDid you read the "about?" Florida company distributing imported seeds.
(Do you suppose they accept PayPal?)
So it appears the seeds they are importing are the products of modern Chinese breeding, which IMO opens up a whole new world (almost literally) to those of us who grow Chinese vegetables. I hope this company sticks around, introduces us to more new varieties, and that at least some of those varieties prove to be adapted to places in higher latitudes than Florida. Time will tell.