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- #211
Garden Addicted
Well, well looks as though I will be setting out three rows of tomatoes this evening 
Jesus is Lord and Christ

Any critter would have to get past the 2x4 welded wire, the chew through the 3/4 inch pressure treated plywood to get access to the coop, when the doors are closed. I just don't want critters living under there. Farmbabe was talking about rubber mats for the floor for eazy cleaning. IDk... I just work here
I'm going to start framing later this week. Whoever heard of a 4x8 sheet of plywood actual measurements of 4 foot and 1/8 to 1/4 inches x 8 foot and 1/8 to 1/4 inches? I have a little trimming to do on two sides first
Jesus is Lord and Christ

Jesus is Lord and Christ

IF you still can, staple in hardware cloth. I Immediately thought of how 2x my chicken flocks were each killed by a weasel. My chain link dog fencing and netting kept away owls, hawks, dogs, coywolves, but a weasel can sneak in those holes. I need to amend my run before I get any more birds.
I tt a gentleman that raises pheasant. He has 5 buildings and you can see male pheasant perching on top of the inside of a 3 ft tall solid barrier when you drive by. (I suppose they are "yearning to be free.")
Still, I met him at local restaurant and he told me how a mink got in through a fist sized hole a killed about 30 of his birds.
You can always dig a trench and put the hardware cloth on the outside and bury it about 6 inches down.
I have thought about using the last of the barbed wire, bought when we were repairing 40 yr cattle fencing before we bought pipe horse fencing. If I bury hardware cloth I will lay the barbed wire at the bottom of the hole to discourage vermin.
Any critter would have to get past the 2x4 welded wire, the chew through the 3/4 inch pressure treated plywood to get access to the coop, when the doors are closed. I just don't want critters living under there. Farmbabe was talking about rubber mats for the floor for eazy cleaning. IDk... I just work here

I'm going to start framing later this week. Whoever heard of a 4x8 sheet of plywood actual measurements of 4 foot and 1/8 to 1/4 inches x 8 foot and 1/8 to 1/4 inches? I have a little trimming to do on two sides first

Jesus is Lord and Christ