CC's Fruits, Veggies & Food 2023


Garden Addicted
Jan 11, 2019
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Been busy (very busy). two of our steers decided to escape the finishing yard. one steer is a big boy. My neighbor, farmbabe and I got them back on fenced pasture. I repaired fence and increased its height to 54 inches, from 48. I plan on putting them back in the finishing yard the next few days. I hope he doesn't decide to do it again 🙄

The same day of the steer escape one of our hefiers delivered a bull calf. Then 3 days later our other two (cow and heifer) delivered bull calf's also. Here's a picture of three bull calves taken a few days ago. I don't recall the day the picture was taken, as the days are starting to run together, just being separated by sleep.

in the mean time, I got my nose in a book, studying to pursue master gardener certificate eventually. it's very time consuming...

My neighbors friend (awesome guy) is having some mature trees cleared. So my neighbor and I are picking up saw logs for my sawmill. A little over a 1000 board foot at a time. logs are heavy! Sure farm truck can pull the trailer, it had many times. But can it stop the trailer? Answer is yes with new premium brake pads it sure can. (more work done brake job for farm truck). I used to have to do a break job on farm truck every year to keep the brakes in top notch shape. lifetime warranty premium brake pads are worth the extra $, never have to buy new pads again :)

Here some yellow pine logs bucked to 12foot 6inces long. And northern red oak bucked to 8foot 6inches, should be able to saw out a few boards out of these 😁

Yellow pine

Northern Red Oak

Also have 14 fruit trees being shipped the beginning of the month. Plus all the potted grafted fruit trees we grafted in February and what I've picked up over the season as good deals 👍. I reckon I'll have to have a BAS planting party? BAS? (Bring A Shovel) 😂

Some of the grafts have really taken off and I had to take them out of kiddie pools and screw the pots to railroad a tie retaining wall, out of concern that they may fall over. The tallest is s golden delicious apple, it's approaching 9 foot tall 😲 all these get 1 quart of air conditioner condenser water every day. they seem to enjoy air conditioner condenser water 🤷‍♂️

I've just been super busy. But I do enjoy being busy, super busy is busy, more better 😁.

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸
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Garden Master
Dec 10, 2016
Reaction score
East-central Wisconsin
Is that a sled dog in the 3rd photo, or a log dog? :)

I wish I had a saw mill, I have a lot of dead white ash trees to take down. All they'll be used for now is fire wood... which is admittedly a good use too, it will save me a lot of money on heating in the winter. Good to have for an emergency too, since my heater tends to fail on a Friday night just when temperatures are plummeting below zero.


Garden Addicted
Jan 11, 2019
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Is that a sled dog in the 3rd photo, or a log dog? :)

I wish I had a saw mill, I have a lot of dead white ash trees to take down. All they'll be used for now is fire wood... which is admittedly a good use too, it will save me a lot of money on heating in the winter. Good to have for an emergency too, since my heater tends to fail on a Friday night just when temperatures are plummeting below zero.
that's my buddy, he goes with me most everywhere I go. He's a multipurpose dog 👍

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Garden Addicted
Jan 11, 2019
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Been a while since I posted.

I recieved an answer to a pray. I asked Almighty for a lab pup, I wasn't specific, just a lab pup. So I got first pick of a litter of 7 and got a 6 week old yellow labrador retiever pup 6 weeks and 3 days ago.

They named him tank because he was the biggest of the litter of 7 pups. I take him with me every where I go, he is a 🐤🧲. As a matter of fact today was the first time I left him with my wife for about 20 minutes. When I returned my wife said he is your pup. I said no he's our pup. She said no he's your pup all he did was whine while you were gone. He is most definitely your pup.

Here's a picture of him at 5 weeks old, when here was still with his momma. He jumped up in my lap, when I was picking out one of the pups. Plus FB said he liked me the most.

This is from the first day I got him at 6 weeks old.

Here he's 12 weeks old and 28.6 lbs

I've taught him a lot, he's my buddy, thats for sure.

Jesus is Lord and Christ ✝️


Garden Addicted
Jan 11, 2019
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Also have been working the new orchard. Tank and I did some bench grafting.

Peaches Mainly Relience and Red Haven on lovell root stock.

5 varieties of Pears on OHXF97 root stock ( the 10 in the coffee can pots) Just one aprocoit this year and a few apples for my daughter in law.

Sweet and tart cherries on mazzard root stock

Also top worked this crabapple and grafted 6 different apple varieties on to it, all my grafts took so. I reckon it's 7 varieties including the crab apples it produces.

Revived a fallen over peach that was planted in the 70's, by bark grafting a few of its scions to its root sucker. All the grafts took, so I guess it'll be good long after I'm gone. I'm happy to put the orginal tree back together with it's self. It has some sentimental value to my neighbor who planted it when he was a boy. He said it was a very productive peach tree, hopefully one day it will be again.


Also planted the apples I grafted last year and baby sat in pots over the growing season. This row has room for 15 apple trees. I had 15 that I grafted but when I went to plant I only had 13. Then I remembered I gave 2 away. I'll probably graft a few hertitage varieties next year to finish the row.

Other than normal pruning, spraying, picking etc... that'll be about it for new orchard work this season.

Jesus is Lord and Christ ✝️


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
OMGosh! The tin foil looks like you are contacting Aliens!! :lol:
So, your new puppy is a "Chick Magnet"?
He is quite the blessing!!
Eldest DD was devasted when she lost Her cat, as opposed to her sister's cat, last year. God found her "Digby"--you've seen the pictures on my thread--who is very affectionate AND her particular friend.
Digby runs around like a spastic teenager during the early evening, then lands on DD to sleep on Her.
You can't help it when these critters love you!


Garden Addicted
Jan 11, 2019
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
OMGosh! The tin foil looks like you are contacting Aliens!! :lol:
So, your new puppy is a "Chick Magnet"?
He is quite the blessing!!
Eldest DD was devasted when she lost Her cat, as opposed to her sister's cat, last year. God found her "Digby"--you've seen the pictures on my thread--who is very affectionate AND her particular friend.
Digby runs around like a spastic teenager during the early evening, then lands on DD to sleep on Her.
You can't help it when these critters love you!
Aliens o_O nah... it's just to keep the scion wood from dehydrating while the grafts calloused. It creates the ideal moist environment, plus birds won't land on it :)

Tanks is most definitely a 🐤🧲. I didn't even get past the service desk at the farm store and he was surrounded by ladies (customers, two cashiers and the manager). I handed his leash to one of the cashiers and said would you watch him while I run back and get some bags of feed? When I came back he was behind the service desk being stuffed with treats. I told my wife about it, she said yep babies and puppies are 🐤🧲

Tank is a blessing, a direct answer to prayer. Plus I got first pick of a litter of 7 and he was free. The breeder lady wouldn't take a penny for him. So I brought her several bags of dog food. Tank won over my heart before I even picked him up. Thankful to have him ❤️

James 1:17

Jesus is Lord and Christ ✝️
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Garden Addicted
Jan 11, 2019
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
I forgot to mention...

Last year late March, I bark and bud grafted this peach rootstock that I dug out as a root sucker, from an old peach tree the blew over. I did this more for just practice than anything. I snapped a scion off my mother in laws peach tree that we have no idea what the variey is. You can see both the bud (lower) and bark (top) grafts took.

The flowers are nice and big, the little tree is trying to give me peaches already. I pruned off the bud graft and planted this out in the orchard. I’ve named it after my mother in laws first name (Marge Peach). Hopefully it’ll grow up to be something for the family to remember her by.



Jesus is Lord and Christ ✝️

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