so lucky
Garden Master
Marshall, I only know you as Marshallsmyth. I came back from the past today to ask you to not change your name. 

I have alway liked seeing your given name. Feels like I know you. Maybe instead of Garden master under your name you can put proud snowflake.I like Digit's honest answer. It arrives with a friendly savor. I don't like flowerbug's questionable answer with an unreferenced affirmative and an allusion to an, um, melting. That's my natural response. I do recall the days of 1968. I painted my 1961 comet with flowers, and they never um, melted as times changed. Kept the flower car until repairing it got too expensive. I am considering painting my outback to match the tie-dye t shirt I presently have on.
As far as reaction goes, i went to a booth today, double masked, and gave the unmasked people in it a most pretty flowering cherry twig, quietly saying that i loved my mother, and I try to love your mother, and hope she lives long. that is why I wear a mask.
That will not, um, melt.
Call me Proud Snowflake.
I have alway liked seeing your given name. Feels like I know you. Maybe instead of Garden master under your name you can put proud snowflake.
I could always tell that you were a gentle soul. Funny how they could take such a lovely word and twist it to mean something so different.Something like that's probably a good idea.
It sure surprised, even shocked a lot of people when I enlisted in the army before the vietnam war was officially ended. While in, I was one of the ardent left wingers. I knew a feller from "lower Alabama" he called the real LA, and he used to talk about the south rising again...i think just to make the hairs stand on end. My response was to get a flowering quince twig and put it in the bell of my saxophone. I was and still am, so opposed to such. And so these days liars and insurrectionists call us left wingers snowflakes as if its a bad thing to be a snowflake. well, snowflakes are beautiful.