I agree. I've never seen any indication that chickens or even other animals mark the time like we humans do. They don't live in the past, nor ponder the future or the loss thereof...they seem pretty much to live in the moment, each moment. Whether they have lived 2 mo. or 2 yrs doesn't seem to be an issue, as long as their current moment is good and they live a pretty stress free life/moment/day.
My hens are having a "good life" I let them roam the yard yesterday while I cleaned the coop from winter. That was a hard job to do....it took me all day
Gee, I was planning to pay the grandson to do it for me. The weather is great and he's off school. Maverick is a hard working helper around here that is grossly underpaid by grandma. (Sh-h-h-h, don't tell him that.)
Yeah, I named the reds. They are/were Cinnamon, Ginger, and Nutmeg according to their color . Cinnamon is. by far, the friendliest hen we have. She just loves a good chicken back ride any time I'm dumb enough to bend over near her. Ginger was a good hen, but was a bit bossy.
I've done some more reading on impacted crops, and have no doubt that is what she was suffering from. I wish I had gone further and checked her gizzard as well, as that is where it very likely started.
Thanks to everyone for the kind thoughts and words.
That's so funny! I have a few Red Sex Link birds I held over from a group that I obtained for meat and they are soon to be culled for meat as well, but until then they have been named Cinnamon and Redbone. Thought it was kind of funny we have birds of the same name but you are right....that's what color she is!
Unfortunately, the RSLs don't stick around long as they tend to develop laying issues and other health issues. Nice, friendly birds, though. Cinnamon is right on my heels everywhere I go, snooping into whatever I'm doing.
She and Redbone were battery hens and lived a pretty bad life before they came here but they've had a season of freedom now and the good life for a bit and will be able to finish their story well.