incubator is still running still one pipping in shell and two alive one grey one black...
not sure how long to sit on the other three eggs
photos to come soon
i give a few days from the 1st to hatch when i used an incubator in the past. now the hen takes care of them & i noticed they will hatch one about each day.
I've had some hatches, both under a broody and in an incubator, that were over within 24 hours of the first one hatching. I've had some with both take over three days. That's with all the eggs starting at the same time. I never know how long one will take.
This is all three from my first incubator round Dad is my F-1 Cockerel
There was 2 green eggs from my easter eggers that hatched one brown from a barred rock
I am partial to the blue/grey one myself you can see the colour
in my cockerels feathers also.. I did have to help the one from the brown egg
it was coming out from the wrong end of the shell but growing and thriving now
i have 2 broody hens at the moment trying to hoard eggs. 1 hen i gave a small batch & put her in a pen with my old roo Sunny (bantam Cochin). he's such a good dad & gentle with all the girls that i don't fear he will do any harm to her or the chicks when/if they hatch. i may take the other girl & candle the eggs to see which are forming & move her with a box into the same pen with Sunny.i shouldn't be trying to hatch this time of year & i really don't need more chickens. i just know i loose a couple over the winter & i have wanted to see what could hatch from the crossing of CC (Faverolles roo) with my Barred Rocks, Australorp girls & my older Faverolles which are limited.
Once my old pair of partridge bantams dies, I'm out of the chicken business. I do miss black bantam Cochins as roosters do an excellent job with chicks.