Garden Master
I've been rotating my chickens around the gardens and tossing all my compost right in with them. Sure beats having to shovel it up and haul it to the desired spot. They do all the turning for me too.
(This pic is of last year's garden, btw. This year's was a mess of weeds.)
Processing the old hens is always just a little bit harder for me than the cockerels or CX for meat. We've got 8 EE hens to do as soon as they hit moult. They've been great layers, laid some really nice blue/green eggs.
We bought 6 Bourbon Red turkey poults last month to try our hand at for the first time and I have been surprised that turkeys are really hard to keep alive! I have 2 remaining which are strong and growing well. The others just dropped off randomly like flies. These were supposed to be next Easter's dinner, but I was hoping to have a couple of hens to keep for breeding and buy a new, unrelated tom. I'm afraid I'll get attached to them now after rooting so fervently for them to live.

Processing the old hens is always just a little bit harder for me than the cockerels or CX for meat. We've got 8 EE hens to do as soon as they hit moult. They've been great layers, laid some really nice blue/green eggs.
We bought 6 Bourbon Red turkey poults last month to try our hand at for the first time and I have been surprised that turkeys are really hard to keep alive! I have 2 remaining which are strong and growing well. The others just dropped off randomly like flies. These were supposed to be next Easter's dinner, but I was hoping to have a couple of hens to keep for breeding and buy a new, unrelated tom. I'm afraid I'll get attached to them now after rooting so fervently for them to live.