Chickens for bug control and food recycling.


Garden Addicted
Apr 19, 2011
Reaction score
Fairfield, ME zone 3/4
I don't do the dispatch or the processing here. I suppose I would get over the squeamishness and feel good about my self-sufficiency if I forced myself to do it, but my friend who has lots of experience doing her own says she has it down to 1/2 per bird, start to finish.

There is a place not far from here where we pay $4 per bird. The will halve and quarter if desired, and hand it back chilled and vacuum sealed. It seems like a bargain to me.


Deeply Rooted
Feb 13, 2016
Reaction score
Mossyrock, WA
Said it before BF has done it so have I arthritis in hands will not let me pluck vision I am scary with sharp objects
we go to auction


Deeply Rooted
Feb 13, 2016
Reaction score
Mossyrock, WA
hey been fighting with myself about the new coop and nest boxes use tubs with the front cut out but none here to snitch already did for main coop so he suggested we changed out the water buckets out yesterday in the main coop had then screwed into upright 4 x 4 about sixteen inches each they started swaying back have them on cinder blocks in the new coop buying tubs at even wally world they want upwards of 15 for bigger ones BF suggested buckets from main coop we took out these are all from home depot 5 gallon


Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
My chickens are pets for the most part. I do appreciate their eggs and occasionally sell them. I eat a lot of chicken, and I have been thinking lately about what it says about me that I support those companies who treat the chickens so poorly. I will probably eventually get around to the idea processing my own chickens. I may have to stop naming them though!

You are on the right track. It always baffles me, the sheer number of people who love, love, love chickens and also love to eat chickens but would NEVER eat one of their own....they tell me they only love THEIR chickens, not those nameless birds suffering in large, airless buildings and that's how they justify eating chicken all the time.

It's a weird way of thinking, but I guess it works for them.

You don't have to stop naming them to keep it all separated in your mind, so don't let that stop you from the joy of naming your food and enjoying their personalities and their lives while they are on the land. That removes a lot of the joy of it all.

Come killing time, you get the one to be sure your good hen leaves this world in a caring manner and is consumed by those who loved her from chick to table. Trust me, the meat from a chicken you've nurtured for all its life tastes MUCH better than factory birds.

I also eat a lot of chicken. I love the idea of raising cruelty free meat that had a good life, but would never be able to butcher them. City Boy

You tellin' me that a tough cookie New Yorker isn't tough enough to kill a chicken? o_O Hand in your New Yorker card right NOW, bub!


hey been fighting with myself about the new coop and nest boxes use tubs with the front cut out but none here to snitch already did for main coop so he suggested we changed out the water buckets out yesterday in the main coop had then screwed into upright 4 x 4 about sixteen inches each they started swaying back have them on cinder blocks in the new coop buying tubs at even wally world they want upwards of 15 for bigger ones BF suggested buckets from main coop we took out these are all from home depot 5 gallon

I've seen some really cute nest box units made from old dressers and old filing cabinets....those can be found pretty cheap at Good Will, Habitat stores and flea markets. Usually around $10-$15 and you get 4-5 nests out of them, maybe more, depending on the size of your dresser/cabinet and the size of your birds.