Childhood Garden Chores


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
We are a product of our upbringing and use it for guidance, in positive and negative ways. It's probably more difficult to react negatively and say we will do things differently because we weren't really trained for that.

Expressing our love in an ongoing way must help in correcting errors. Children have to understand that we are human, make mistakes, and they can be independent actors in a new generation. Perhaps, we don't have to apologize but have a continuing interest and valuing.

I have known several generations of a family. The first, in my experience, not well but I recognized the hardness of the father towards his sons and the passive but protective personality of the mother. They are both gone now.

I'm not really sure how the father treated his daughters although one of them is my son's age and I know her best. She shows, what seemed to me to be remarkable tolerance, for her sons' behavior. They are grown, I won't say mature, but have children of their own.

Yes, I don't have much respect for the sons. A year in prison for one of them indicates that I'm not alone in this assessment.

Edit: okay, I probably should not have even gotten started on this and deleted 3 paragraphs.
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Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
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East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Lucky my younger sister spoils her kids. I think it goes back to a parent wanting their kids to have it better then they did
Whatever motivates this, it is obvious that people that don't train up their children or DON'T train their Pets (including exotics, like horses), prefer to complain and even brag that both don't behave rather than learn to discipline them. I have learned that you HAVE to immediately discipline a horse, then, when he/she behaves correctly use LOVE and praises after the swat or the "no", or else you get nowhere. My animals both respect and love me and TRUST me. NOBODY can get their horse to come TO THEM out in the pasture unless the horse chooses to do so. One of my horses is 1,450 pounds of "gonna hurt me" if I frighten him. He is always the first to greet me in the pasture.
Some people believe that it is inappropriate to compare animal training to children. I do not.
Your children will not trust your good advice if you have raised them without training them to take care of themselves. THESE people learn from the "School of Hard Knocks." Often they become "professional victims". Those that learn, instead, to discipline themselves withOUT your help don't respect their poor parenting.
I am results oriented.
Why else do I read your good advice here? :hugs


Deeply Rooted
Jan 9, 2016
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I did not like to pick berries black currant. They were always too much. I still do not like, but I do.
Sometimes I lived in the camp for children. We were supposed to collect grape snails in the morning. It's even worse than black currants! I did it slowly, and it is crawled from the basket back into the grass.

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