Garden Master
I rode as a kid, bareback, barefooted, with a hay twine "bridle". I am 60 now and guess what? I use a real bridle and generally wear shoes. It's harder to spring up on a horse's back, so have to stand on something to ride bareback, but I still ride bareback.
Post your pictures here. We will celebrate your happiness with you. No PC Police here.
I know how I will die. I'll be riding a horse when I'm 105. It'll spook, throw me off and I'll hit my head on a rock. No, I won't be wearing a confounded helmet either.
Post your pictures here. We will celebrate your happiness with you. No PC Police here.
I know how I will die. I'll be riding a horse when I'm 105. It'll spook, throw me off and I'll hit my head on a rock. No, I won't be wearing a confounded helmet either.