

Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Home from the garden for a week? Probably not, but last week I skipped 1 of the 2 days each week that the garden has the sprinklers running and I'm doing it again, this final week of September.

Gardeners elsewhere would probably think that the recent rainfall here has not amounted to much. And, they would be right but it is the combination of having moist soil to start, then nearly 1/4" one week, cooler afternoons and plenty of cloud cover, then nearly another 1/4" this week, and many plants are almost dormant. Brassicas are doing just fine although the Gypsy Broccoli have given about all that could be expected of them. Most others in that family are here at home.

And now, more rain is on the immediate SW horizon. It will push the rain gauges up another 1/4" with more in the forecast for the next 2 days. Hopefully, there will be enough of a break I can not only make a harvest run tomorrow AM but also find conditions dry enough to run the mower.

Now if I could just kick up the rain amounts and have just some of it falling during all those weeks of Summer ... You know, the meteorologists have separated this area of the Wild West from regions south and further west as having a "continental" climate rather than a "Mediterranean" one. We might slide right into "arid" but these recent very dry growing seasons are really SomeThing. Thankfully, the Intermountain NW continues to benefit from normal snowfall and snowpack coming into the growing seasons 🤞.

Steve, planning on some tomato soup for lunch along with the household chores


Garden Addicted
Nov 24, 2020
Reaction score
Pacific Northwest
i see nothing wrong with that at all, vegetables, eggs, diary. all yummy when combined and a bit of spices added.

yesterday for dinner i made squash with some cheese and hotsauce on top. forgot the butter but it was all still good.
Pumpkin pie is a lot more nutritious than some of the breakfast cereals out there!


Garden Master
Dec 10, 2016
Reaction score
East-central Wisconsin
A friend from church had a meeting with me at Panera Bread. It was a short meeting, and I took half of my coffee with me to drink later. After picking up some vegetables at home to give to another friend on the other side of town, I put them behind the back seat, and was on my way.

10 minutes into the trip, the coffee ended up on my windshield, along with many of the tomatoes. :ep

Approaching a stoplight on a 4-lane road, the light turned green as I approached. My lane (on the right) was clear, so I proceeded through. There were 3 cars in the left lane; the front car was waiting on traffic to make a left. The 2nd car behind it was apparently impatient, and turned suddenly into the right lane - directly in front of me. A second later, my van was rolling over, I was belted in hanging over the right side, and nearly everything which had been anywhere in the car was now in the front. Once responders had arrived, I was able to exit via the rear door - the only one which was accessible & could still open.

I thank the Almighty that the seat belt worked perfectly, and I was not injured (nor apparently were the occupants of the other vehicle) but my favorite van is likely a total loss. The police cited the other driver for an unsafe turn without signal, so their insurance will be liable. My mechanic will inspect & evaluate the damage, but the left front is caved in, both sides are heavily damaged, and the trans axle appears to have cracked... so the van will likely be a total loss. :(

Country Homesteader

Deeply Rooted
Jan 11, 2023
Reaction score
Crewe, Virginia

There's at least 1/2 pot HOT and READY so get a cup and enjoy the meeting on the patio in the 55 cool and clear morning. I'm about to go on my 2nd cup already, been up since 1:45. At least twice (if not three) times per year my sleep goes off schedule and it takes a couple nights to get it straight again.
@Zeedman Sorry to hear about the accident but glad you are okay.


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
A friend from church had a meeting with me at Panera Bread. It was a short meeting, and I took half of my coffee with me to drink later. After picking up some vegetables at home to give to another friend on the other side of town, I put them behind the back seat, and was on my way.

10 minutes into the trip, the coffee ended up on my windshield, along with many of the tomatoes. :ep

Approaching a stoplight on a 4-lane road, the light turned green as I approached. My lane (on the right) was clear, so I proceeded through. There were 3 cars in the left lane; the front car was waiting on traffic to make a left. The 2nd car behind it was apparently impatient, and turned suddenly into the right lane - directly in front of me. A second later, my van was rolling over, I was belted in hanging over the right side, and nearly everything which had been anywhere in the car was now in the front. Once responders had arrived, I was able to exit via the rear door - the only one which was accessible & could still open.

I thank the Almighty that the seat belt worked perfectly, and I was not injured (nor apparently were the occupants of the other vehicle) but my favorite van is likely a total loss. The police cited the other driver for an unsafe turn without signal, so their insurance will be liable. My mechanic will inspect & evaluate the damage, but the left front is caved in, both sides are heavily damaged, and the trans axle appears to have cracked... so the van will likely be a total loss. :(
Glad he had insurance. So many drop it once they get their tags. Material things can be replaced. Next one may or may not be as good and shopping for one (being they are so expensive) is never fun.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)

There seems so much emphasis on immediacy. "Be there. Be there, now!" Surely, this isn't fundamental to being a "driver." Could I say that it is no "starting point?"

A few years ago, I was thinking how driving at a speed less than 5 mph over the speed limit was an added risk. Now, it's as though less than 10 mph over is a risk. What has happened to an understanding that the limits are limits to speed?

Not being limited is not functioning in a civilization. It's not civil behavior. Making sudden decisions compromises others, as that driver's sudden decision to change lanes compromised @Zeedman 's life. Everyone benefits that he was not injured.



Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Oh no @Zeedman !! I’m relieved that you are ok, but the total wipeout of your van! I’m so sorry! The insurance will pay you for it, scarcely a down payment on another one. New ones have so many gadgets on them, it’s ridiculous AND they are priced to the moon! What an aggravating event. I’m just glad you are ok, but now you get hit again-in the checkbook. Not fair.