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- #601
Garden Master
Having an peeled apple and half an Asian pear for breakfast with a piece of WW toast. I think that's about all I'll need for a few hours
. (What's with this "new" idea of calling Asian pears, "butterscotch pears?")
Aging? Cranky? Let's consider the word ... a crank is a bent piece of something that is used to turn something else. The idea is that it is no longer straight. With joints, damage/loss of tissue - apparently, I'm about 1 1/2 inches shorter than I once was. That's when I'm standing up straight - which I don't always bother with when I'm just poking around the house, yard, garden.
"Don't bother me with your nonsense, I have enough trouble without it!" Sound like something an olde person might say? Sure. Resistance to change amongst other things ...
It has been extremely foggy, day after day. At a nearby airport the visibility is reported at 1/4 mile. I've been thinking that if it was daylight, I doubt if I could see 1/4 mile down the road (to that intersection where if you continued driving straight, you'd crash into those people's garage!!)! I'm assuming that they are measuring the airport 1/4 mile from the control tower ... Okay, I wonder how many feet less I notice things at a distance. Imagine if I lost 12" of height cranked over and my olde blue eyes are gazing off to the horizon from 5 foot 2 and certainly not from 150 feet up in the air.
An alternative is, sure you can be looking at what's close to you but, otherwise, to keep looking UP, don't you think?