

Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
@Gardening with Rabbits , best to be the Best defensive driver you can be now bc you cannot find a new/used car anywhere that is affordable.
Our new (2021, bought and fully paid for in December, 2020) Toyota Avalon was just under $40K
Now the Average new car is going for $47K :eek:
Yesterday, heading south on CR from DD's house to ours, in the dark, and two trucks didn't like me driving with the cruise at 55MPH, and shortly after passing me they both turned.
VERY bad driving habits cause most of the accidents in my experience.
55MPH doesn't mean 57MPH, or 60MPH, or 65MPH, just bc there is no cop around.
DD (Asst SA now working in another county, who has gotten most of her training from DH, who practiced as an Asst SA for 18 years,) AND she is the one who charges in her office, has told me that most traffic cases that are not dismissed are for 15MPH over the limit and higher. Just some FYI.
Although politicians will change speed limits for :hu , many are put in place for OUR safety.
We have been hit by deer--4 of them crossed suddenly a few years ago, one slide INTO our SUV, no damage, and a herd of 7 crossed the road suddenly on the same road I mentioned. I am glad that we had just left town and were moving at 40MPH, else there would have been a wreck.

Artichoke Lover

Deeply Rooted
Dec 31, 2020
Reaction score
North Alabama zone 7b
@Artichoke Lover , If I was deciding between making coffee and staying in bed, I would have 2 dogs in agony with crossed legs, and 3 hungry horses weeping.
7 Cats are on their on...litter box downstairs, water in the kitchen, mice readily available.
I was up early an hour and a half early yesterday to take the kitten so the dogs had already been taken care. Chickens normally get let out at 8 this time of year. It will be 6 by midsummer though.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
@Gardening with Rabbits , best to be the Best defensive driver you can be now bc you cannot find a new/used car anywhere that is affordable.
Our new (2021, bought and fully paid for in December, 2020) Toyota Avalon was just under $40K
Now the Average new car is going for $47K :eek:
Yesterday, heading south on CR from DD's house to ours, in the dark, and two trucks didn't like me driving with the cruise at 55MPH, and shortly after passing me they both turned.
VERY bad driving habits cause most of the accidents in my experience.
55MPH doesn't mean 57MPH, or 60MPH, or 65MPH, just bc there is no cop around.
DD (Asst SA now working in another county, who has gotten most of her training from DH, who practiced as an Asst SA for 18 years,) AND she is the one who charges in her office, has told me that most traffic cases that are not dismissed are for 15MPH over the limit and higher. Just some FYI.
Although politicians will change speed limits for :hu , many are put in place for OUR safety.
We have been hit by deer--4 of them crossed suddenly a few years ago, one slide INTO our SUV, no damage, and a herd of 7 crossed the road suddenly on the same road I mentioned. I am glad that we had just left town and were moving at 40MPH, else there would have been a wreck.
I do not drive on the interstate highways now. I barely drive. I used to drive all over and across the country and pulling trailers. I also was a teenager when the 55 mile an hour was put in place and loved it and hated the higher speed limits. My dad told me years ago that at 55 you could control a car that had a blow out, but any higher and you would probably roll it. I am sure that has a lot to do with my not wanting to go over 55 and my brother did roll a truck with a blow out going 60 something. He was lucky to not be hurt or killed. Policeman told him he was lucky to be alive. I only go on side roads and probably not more than 45 now.


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
As someone who has zero patience with bad drivers, I’m fine with driving the speed limit. Just stay out of the left lane. Hate it when 2 vehicles driving the same speed, find it necessary to do it side by side. In Indiana, if you are doing less than the speed limit and 3+ vehicles are behind you, you are to pull over and let them go around-just wish it was enforced. I don’t ride with my wife as she is one of those that drives 1 mph under and proudly states she is driving the speed limit and will not get a ticket. Except Ohio, NO policeman will ticket you for 2-3 over. Ohio will ticket out of state vehicles just because they can. They know you can’t afford to take a day off, hire a lawyer to go to a rigged court for $100.

Yes, I had my coffee.....


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
With in-state license plates I use the 10% rule. You are pretty safe as long as you are within 10% of the speed limit. A cop that works security where one son works agreed, he won't give a ticket if you are doing 22 in a 20, 55 in a 50, 77 in a 70.

I also agree on what state your license plates say. I was ticketed in Colorado with Louisiana plates a few decades ago when cars and trucks with Colorado plates were passing me.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
sometimes deer just run into your car. i was going around the corner up the road not going more than 20mph when right after the corner a deer side-checked the car. managed to do damage to the fender and both doors and took out the mirror on the door but still managed to get up and run away. $4500 in damage. that's the 2nd time for that car and not counting the flying wheelbarrow someone dropped on Mom one time (from on-coming traffic) and another person (pedestrian) trying to kill themself on a major highway we've been through quite a bit with this car.

no matter what i don't go fast around here.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Y'all ought to try having TEXAS plates and get stopped in another state. Cops always want to search my vehicle for drugs and guns. They always ask, sometimes I SOOOO want to be a smart a$$ and say YES! YES! I have a LOAD of guns and drugs!! But a tiny voice tells me that could be a bad idea......


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
FINALLY got the house in Groveton livable. It has taken a month of hiring a carpenter, 2 weeks on the outside, 2 weeks on the inside. The first week on the inside, I was there, painting, prepping and doing lots of little things that would have slowed him down. I was his helper, LOL. Wednesday I got the propane tank set and a line run to the house, got propane Thursday.

I've already made many trips down there taking a load of stuff. Today we roll out with two trucks and trailers. My truck and stock trailer, trailer already loaded with furniture as of yesterday evening, Robert's truck and my flatbed, which will get loaded with outside stuff this morning. Then we'll load 2 freezers, washer, dryer in the back of my truck and go to Groveton. I'm exhausted.

House is looking empty. I'll get the small stuff out of back bedroom and refinish the floor there and in the hallway. Next Saturday will be another moving day for hopefully the rest of the furniture except for my recliner and refrigerator. Then I can refinish the floors in my bedroom, living and kitchen. We close February 17. By then, I ought to be out of here except for moving sheep and dogs and the remainder of outside stuff.

Then when I find a place, I get to do it all over again!


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
Y'all ought to try having TEXAS plates and get stopped in another state. Cops always want to search my vehicle for drugs and guns. They always ask, sometimes I SOOOO want to be a smart a$$ and say YES! YES! I have a LOAD of guns and drugs!! But a tiny voice tells me that could be a bad idea......
From my experience, they aren’t to be messed with. When I worked full time, I went into corn field to take notes. Company truck all signed up. Field sign on roads. I was carrying a company clip board wearing a company polo. To top it off, I was .8 of a mile north of my home.
DNR pulled up behind my truck. He waited for me to come walking out of the field in the trail I’d made. Once out, he asked who I was and give him my drivers license and what was I doing in the corn field. I’m thinking, “what do you think a seed man is doing in a corn field.” So I’m thinking, let’s have some fun. I said, checking my dope. He did all but arrest or shoot me...... Great news is that I got a great true story that I’ve shared many times. My dairy neighbor won’t even acknowledge his existence-but that’s another story....
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