

Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
Reaction score
Good morning! The sun is up and bright. There is only a few patches of wintery sleet and snow left on the ground. I hope for us, that is the winter storm and that there won't be another one. I have too much to do.
Yesterday was a nice day. We took two trucks and the cargo trailer to Groveton. We unloaded, there are stacks of boxes for me to go through. Some I labeled Do Not Unpack, others will be gone through and sorted into unpack and put back in a box. LOL

I really like this couple buying the farm, they are wonderful people and I'm sure once they get moved and settled, they will be planting a garden. I'm leaving a few envelopes of seed for them to get started. I am delighted to turn the farm over to them, they have lots of plans for it.

It is looking like we will be closing this week. There isn't much left in the house, but A lot of little stuff. I have to build pens for the sheep and dogs before I can move them. I gave them two ewes, but I'll be taking them with me since they won't move in immediately and there will be no guard dog. They have an adorable guard puppy, and some yard dogs, once they move in and are here, that will be sufficient to protect their sheep.
Still a lot to do before I'm cleared out of here, the big push will be to finish getting out of the house, can't be totally gone until I move sheep and dogs. A BYH member and her husband are coming from California to take care of some Texas rental properties they have and a ranch they bought a little further north of here. Then they are going to help me build shelter and fence for the animals. Another BYH couple that lives maybe 40 miles away wants to come and help too. We'll make it a party!

Then I may give her husband the TV remote and abdicate my recliner throne so I can strap her to the kitchen to help me unpack boxes. LOL LOL We are going to finish running the trim around the bottom of the walls and a couple of doors. Plenty to do!
It must feel great knowing the people that will now occupy your home.

I'm thrilled you are getting life together so well my amazing lady :hugs


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Good Morning,

I drug a frozen bag of soil mix into the greenhouse to thaw, yesterday. Plan on using it this afternoon.

Yes @Gardening with Rabbits , the onion seed is standing by for today. I put 4 year old seed in both a houseplant pot and in a wet paper towel & sandwich bag - NOTHING sprouted. Two year old seed has always worked for me and I've got some of that and made a trip to the garden center for "fresh." When we are told that onion seed isn't viable for long, it sure seems to be true.


Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
Good Morning,

I drug a frozen bag of soil mix into the greenhouse to thaw, yesterday. Plan on using it this afternoon.

Yes @Gardening with Rabbits , the onion seed is standing by for today. I put 4 year old seed in both a houseplant pot and in a wet paper towel & sandwich bag - NOTHING sprouted. Two year old seed has always worked for me and I've got some of that and made a trip to the garden center for "fresh." When we are told that onion seed isn't viable for long, it sure seems to be true.

I have some from last year, but I am not sure if enough. I really like Ailsa Craig onions. I think it is just in my head of have to plant these. lol


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Been up since 3:30, this has got to STOP! Going to the feed store this morning 45 minutes away-to get the feed I've been using for years. Not going to get a lot, don't want to move it. Next week I'll be working on sheep pens and such. Still boxing up little stuff, will it ever end???


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
Reaction score
Been up since 3:30, this has got to STOP! Going to the feed store this morning 45 minutes away-to get the feed I've been using for years. Not going to get a lot, don't want to move it. Next week I'll be working on sheep pens and such. Still boxing up little stuff, will it ever end???
I hope so , it's high time your feet was up and you are relaxed for a change

You're lucky I'm not there I'd be locking you in a d making you stay still :hugs


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Good Morning (from the Pacific Standard Time ;)). Having whole wheat toast and baked Opal apple for breakfast.

Thinking about how "pedestrian" I am and how I take pleasure in simple things :). I imagine that is from growing up in a poor family with parents who had also grown up on farms with lots of brothers and sisters. I'm not the first in my family to graduate from college, if cousins are included. Mom and Dad were both exactly the middle child in their households. I had cousins who almost seemed like adults when I was a little kid.

We should recognize how Social Security changed the US after folks realized that it wasn't just a Great Depression New Deal that would vanish within their lifetimes. Before SS, your security in old age was your children and those children would spread out some responsibility for the elderly.

No, public education came along and the smart girl (my aunt) who loved to read, or so I was told ;), became an office worker and married up. Her oldest son was quite the guy. Stanford educated, Rhodes scholar at Oxford, PhD professor and later, dean of his university. Well anyway, even with quitting and working full-time for a few semesters/years, I enjoyed a closer look at a wide world.

Simple tastes, like enjoying this Opal apple. I Like the Name especially :). Mom's name.



Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
Good Morning (from the Pacific Standard Time ;)). Having whole wheat toast and baked Opal apple for breakfast.

Thinking about how "pedestrian" I am and how I take pleasure in simple things :). I imagine that is from growing up in a poor family with parents who had also grown up on farms with lots of brothers and sisters. I'm not the first in my family to graduate from college, if cousins are included. Mom and Dad were both exactly the middle child in their households. I had cousins who almost seemed like adults when I was a little kid.

We should recognize how Social Security changed the US after folks realized that it wasn't just a Great Depression New Deal that would vanish within their lifetimes. Before SS, your security in old age was your children and those children would spread out some responsibility for the elderly.

No, public education came along and the smart girl (my aunt) who loved to read, or so I was told ;), became an office worker and married up. Her oldest son was quite the guy. Stanford educated, Rhodes scholar at Oxford, PhD professor and later, dean of his university. Well anyway, even with quitting and working full-time for a few semesters/years, I enjoyed a closer look at a wide world.

Simple tastes, like enjoying this Opal apple. I Like the Name especially :). Mom's name.


opals are so beautiful. a simple life would also be digging for those in a very crazy hot place. no thanks. i will admire them from afar. :)


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Good morning! Coffee is ready, I slept until 5:20 this morning! Finally! I didn't wake up every 2 hours and I wasn't wide awake at 3 AM. I think it's called exhaustion. I have the back seat of the truck loaded to the ceiling with small, mostly breakable items. Going to load up the back of the pick up and go to Groveton and unload. Neighbor Ron is going with me. Taking jacks to jack up the small portable building son took down there and block it up, so I can start putting stuff in it. The buyers (and my new, dear friends) brought their cargo trailer back yesterday and I can go through all the stuff in the big portable building that is staying here, pack, sort out, keep, throw away, and load the cargo trailer. Maybe take it next week. Y'all have a great day!

Artichoke Lover

Deeply Rooted
Dec 31, 2020
Reaction score
North Alabama zone 7b
Coffee and oatmeal this morning. Busy few days ahead hoping have a friend over to watch either the hobbit or lord of the rings movies but have to get the house cleaned up first. I’ve read the the hobbit, lord of the rings and the Silmarillion but I’ve never seen more than a few scenes in from the movies. I didn’t really have an interest until after I read the books last year. The few scenes from the movies were enough to terrify me as a kid lol. I vaguely remember one of Sméagol and one of attacking orcs as the first and possible only scenes I’ve seen lol.

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