Garden Master
Good Morning.
Looking out the kitchen window before slicing a banana for my late breakfast. Made a mistake on my forecast, first some wind and a chance of snow. Then, the overnight temps drop into the teens. Anyway, with the check for snowfall, I see the neighbor across the road come out of his house. THREE motion detection lights come on. The furthest away from him is about 50 yards!
These aren't even the lights of the neighbor with the "don't tread on me" sticker in the back window of his truck. He isn't home and was last seen departing with his ex in their 3 year + broken relationship of separate households. His light was on almost continuously when the slightest breeze would trigger it as his US flag hung beside the door, 24/7 from fall 2020 until it blew to shreds this winter ...
I'm very thankful that my neighbor on the bedroom side of my house doesn't have one of those lights! The light on the neighbor's garage on the other side will be a distraction as the tree leaves by their driveway break their buds. That thing is bright! And, unfortunately, the tree's shadow doesn't fall across our kitchen window. Dang near blinding when we are standing at the counter and a breeze thru tree leaves triggers it!
there should be a national law that says if you have an outdoor light on timers and motion detected but also that it should be shielded enough that it doesn't shine past the limits of the property. light pollution is a real thing and it does do damage to the environment. many creatures life cycle is geared by moon and even starlight, having lights on all the time at night is just wrong (and also the waste of energy).
when i was dating someone up north she had a bedroom window that faced a neighboring Jehovah's Witness church parking lot that had a bright light. it was a new light so she mentioned it to the church people that it was annoying and they didn't change it. she mentioned it again, nothing happened.
so we got a 4x8 sheet of plywood, painted pictures (in very loud and obnoxious colors) and put it up facing them. solved the problem, but it was something they should have done.