

Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
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East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Trying to prepare  rested for the day, after my breakfast :). Easier today after being horizontal for 8 hours. Not so yesterday when I was up at 1:30. Fell asleep after breakfast then for a 90 minute nap and had a difficult time gathering enough energy to fix myself a 2nd breakfast with coffee 4 hours after rising.

I may make 2nds something simple and carry the coffee out the door because of a morning appointment. Do you ever imagine where people you expect to meet early are in their morning routines? With so many offices opening early these days, I suspect that few have much opportunity for being in bed late. DD works from home some weekdays but often communicates with the company workers in Europe! That's quite a time step from gathering on the sidewalk waiting for the janitor to open the doors during pre-dawn hours.
Middle DD has been working from home for 5 years now. During COVID her employer needed to keep good workers, and sent many of them to work from home IF their job was an online one. She helps create their web page, and drives 20 minutes to their office 2x/month, and maybe a few more times, like recently when they had a massive upload and were testing.
She can drop GS off at school and pick him up, and we talk most M-F days and keep up with our prayer list.
The Internet makes it possible for Good workers like my DD and Your DW to do a good job and not move.
Safer, too.
Here the "in town" has gotten more dangerous and I am happy that the other 2 DD's live in a town with a gas station, so that they can fill up at a safe location, and not deal with riff raff.
I did a signing for a couple a few years ago. I noticed that the co-borrower had 2 monitors so I asked about it.
Again, during COVID her company sent her home to work remotely. She now starts at 7AM, works until 2PM, has the rest of the day. She Loves it, mostly bc her boss didn't bother training new employees and would send them over to Her to train AND to do her job. :confused:
NOW, her boss has to do His/Her own training.
I have spoken to many people who work from home. People who have a work ethic actually work Harder working from home than at an office.
When I worked in an office, employees would kill time at the beginning of the day, at lunch, at the end of the day, and at the water cooler. You don't do that when it's just you and your computer and have to meet your deadlines.
DD also has daily meetings, so she keeps nice tops to wear with her jeans or sweatpants and slippers.
This is NOT the same as the recent story in D.C., where a reporter discovered that a government office building that is supposed to have 2900 employees had only 49 who were showing up at the office to work, AND, the government was paying a staff of cafeteria cooks to make food every day. There were also empty basketball courts and other gyms.
So...we should not throw the "work at home babies" out with the "slothful" bathwaters/waders. ;)

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