color changing iris???????


Garden Master
Mar 21, 2012
Reaction score
Yep, that's your answer! A secret gift giving Iris friend, not some unusual chameleon mutations, and not amazingly automatically sprouting volunteer Iris seeds, which is real rare.

There are clues that can be figured on to know who it may be...


It might be a very :old person who admires your :tools and has too many :throw in their yard. It would be a person who has seen you enjoy your :mow work, and knows the Iris will be :love 'd a lot. When you are working in your garden, watch for an old car or pickup driving slowly by. It'll probably have the person in it who lives a block or 2 away, and your yard might be on their way to the grocery store or church, or maybe the bridge club. You can bet this person has a big ole patch of Iris that needs thinning. If you see the vehicle going by, make sure you :frow just like this.

I'm thinking it'll be a person with a sense of humor! Sticking in red and yellow Iris in among purple Iris without telling you! Ha! That was a good one!!!

My ole aunt Eleanor used to say "Never take anything from anybody. That's stealing, and is very wrong". But she was always quick to add, "except for a little Geranium slip or a piece of Iris in a big patch". Her porch always had lots of small clay pots of Geraniums and Fuchsias.


Deeply Rooted
May 1, 2011
Reaction score
Jacksonville, NC
I had an elderly neighbor whos wife passed away a few months before we moved into our current house. He always had the most beautiful flowers growing. Of course, his late wife had planted them all. Well, he sold the house, and the people that bought it basically abandoned it. Mr Tom (the elderly man that sold it) said that I should go over and get some of the flowers that his wife had planted. I gladly marched over and took quite a few of the daffodil and tulip bulbs. Then, the neighbors sister moved in. She cleaned the place up a bit, trimmed the hedges, mowed most of the yard, made it look like a nice house again, and then moved. Again... Mr Tom said to go get some flowers. So... my neighbor and I went over and got quite a few bulbs! I have no idea what some of them are. I planted some under my crepe myrtle last year and a few of them have sent up flower stalks, so, I guess I will know what I have soon! :lol:

I told my hubby that I wanted to get some iris to put in. They are absolutely amazingly beautiful! I would like nothing more than to rip out the stupid hedges and plant a ton of flowers in front of my house. My mom has told us that it's probably not the best idea because if we ever sold this house (which someday we will) it will be better with the hedge bushes in the front. I, on the other hand, HATE them! What I DREAM of doing is ripping out the crappy stinky stupid shrubs and putting in tulips, daffodils, lilies, iris, calla lilies, begonias, crocus, hyacinth, and caladium! I don't think hubs would ever let me tho. :( Some of those bulbs are seriously pricey! :hit


Garden Master
Nov 16, 2011
Reaction score
Southeast VA
marshallsmyth said:
Yep, that's your answer! A secret gift giving Iris friend, not some unusual chameleon mutations, and not amazingly automatically sprouting volunteer Iris seeds, which is real rare.

There are clues that can be figured on to know who it may be...


It might be a very :old person who admires your :tools and has too many :throw in their yard. It would be a person who has seen you enjoy your :mow work, and knows the Iris will be :love 'd a lot. When you are working in your garden, watch for an old car or pickup driving slowly by. It'll probably have the person in it who lives a block or 2 away, and your yard might be on their way to the grocery store or church, or maybe the bridge club. You can bet this person has a big ole patch of Iris that needs thinning. If you see the vehicle going by, make sure you :frow just like this.

I'm thinking it'll be a person with a sense of humor! Sticking in red and yellow Iris in among purple Iris without telling you! Ha! That was a good one!!!

My ole aunt Eleanor used to say "Never take anything from anybody. That's stealing, and is very wrong". But she was always quick to add, "except for a little Geranium slip or a piece of Iris in a big patch". Her porch always had lots of small clay pots of Geraniums and Fuchsias.
First off - that post wins the award for most creative and accurate use of smiles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT! :clap

Second, as in life, that would just be too simple. My driveway is about a 1/4mile long and winds through trees. The barn is visible from the road, but nothing else. And this is a very rural area full of 'min-farms'. Everyone has about 10-20 acres - mostly woods - and nobody actually raises anything, other than cats.. there are LOTS of cats. So whoever is doing it has probably been here. I suspect a couple of the ladies from church who I've helped with their yard work in past summers.. One of them is who I got the iris' from to begin with. I was helping her thin this huge bed around her mailbox and she sent a bunch home with me. I figure that I'll get them to come with me for lunch after church sometime soon as a thank you.


Deeply Rooted
Apr 29, 2009
Reaction score
Georgia Bound
Very nice, I have a nice Iris story also. My mother loved flowers but was not a very good gardener. Very often her gardening was to bring home some bulbs or roots and set them down by the garage or side of the house and that's as much planting as got done. She did this with her iris' right next to the house beside the patio. After she died, my husband and I took the house and I worked digging up her "flowers and moving and adding to them. I started to dig up the iris but the dirt was hard as a rock and I was tired and thought I'll get them next year so I only loosed the soil around them a little a didn't get to move them. The next year they bloomed for the first time and they have bloomed every year since. I don't know what I did or how it affected them but I haven't touched them since and they keep blooming. They are in full bloom now. This is the month she passed away and it is very special that this happens now.

I am going to have to thin the Lily's again, they are getting ready to bloom. They didn't really bloom much for her because she dug them up from somewhere and then just set the roots (kinda pulled up) next to the garage. I am not sure what I am going to do with the extras.


Garden Addicted
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Fuquay, NC
canesisters said:
Nope - I'm sure it is my own personal secret-gifting-garden-friend! :clap
I came home Sat afternoon and there was a pile of iris (over 20 plants) and a pile of day lilies (maybe 50 or more) next to my fence. Not sure where they came from. Got the iris' in the ground Sunday and the lillies in water till tonight.
Leave a note for your secret friend with directions to my yard!!!!!

Detlor Poultry

Attractive To Bees
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
Zone 3b - Ontario
vfem said:
canesisters said:
Nope - I'm sure it is my own personal secret-gifting-garden-friend! :clap
I came home Sat afternoon and there was a pile of iris (over 20 plants) and a pile of day lilies (maybe 50 or more) next to my fence. Not sure where they came from. Got the iris' in the ground Sunday and the lillies in water till tonight.
Leave a note for your secret friend with directions to my yard!!!!!
Me too!

Hey...... I GOTTA IDEA! Wait here, I'll be right back.


Garden Master
Nov 16, 2011
Reaction score
Southeast VA
That's a wonderful idea, I love it.

Here's the last of the S.G.G.F. iris'
