
valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
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Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert
Any mask that will stop a virus from entering or leaving be a closed system ~ like that worn for and in building fire ```if you can smell anything in the air you breath in virus can inter they are that minute ~ when you exhale if the material of the mask were able to stop the transmission of a virus and were elastic it would be a Balloon ~ this guy was saying (as a joke) he walks through Walmart doing something stinky, just to show people their masks don't work ```

The man who taught me to paint (Auto painting) use the type of masks people use today, because they are ordered to for this virus scare, ~ he was and artist, God bless him ~ he taught me to paint Synthetic Enamel, some of you know that is colored glue ~ he was an skilled professional and did beautiful work ~ But the mask permitted paint to inter from the sides collecting on your face and the vapors to go right through the mask material ~ I taught him to use a respirator that have filter through which incoming air will pass through and the mask is held tight to the face so no over spray would collect on your face ~ that and the draw of the exhaust fan pulling the fumes and over spray made it pretty safe ```

I hear from medical professionals, that dare discuss it, that this virus is not long lived or terribly contagious ~ but it is another virus to deal with in addition to the one we all are told to expect every season ~ this one is a political football groups, mobs, unions and politicians are on it like like flies on dreck ~ media has an opinion and will pounce on anyone, who dares call for reason and cleanliness and is not ordering everyone into the caves ```

People who once had reason ~ looking with anger at someone not as frightened as they ~ on one form I read one person saying to another: " you are a murder, willing, wanting to kill my grandchildren " saying this to a person he knew tho never met on a forum ~ yeh. he bought into mandatory wearing of mask and the person he known for years on the forum he was now accusing of intention to murder ```


A bear got into my truck the other day ~ tore out the passenger window broke the mirror which is powered and has a turn signal and might be hard to find this is a 2001 F150 ~ oh and tore out the top of the center console ~ well I figured I'd get a permit and make a rug and Bear Kebob, Fr. Yeghia always mentioned Bear Kebob when I had bear trouble ~ sure miss him ```

I would of course get a depredation permit, if I were to unless family threatened or the animals ~ what think you, there are people living in the towns in the mountains that would rather a person or another animal die than a bear ```
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Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
and I can't hear with the muffling of a mask
Yes, I do my best listening through my nose. ~ snort ~

Sweden has had 57 deaths per 100,000, compared with five in Norway and 11 in Denmark. "Sweden adopted a lighter-touch strategy for dealing with the pandemic compared with most other European countries, deciding not to institute a widespread lockdown, and putting in place relatively few restrictions." - BBC

Antibody studies indicate that only about 20% of the people in Stockholm have been infected, similar to levels in London and New York. That is way short of the 70% estimated to be needed for herd immunity.
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine - Link

That research was done by an Anthropologist at the University College London and a Nephrologist at Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust Hospital and Professor at St George's University, London, UK.

Or, listen to our own good doctors at the CDC.


valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
Reaction score
Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert

Did Sweden Accidentally Blunder into COVID-19 Herd Immunity?
If so, that could be really good news for the rest of the world.
RONALD BAILEY | 8.14.2020 3:50 PM


At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Swedish government's chief epidemiologist, Anders Tegnell, denied that his relatively permissive approach to controlling the spread of the coronavirus was aimed at achieving herd immunity.

Unlike most other rich countries—including its Nordic neighbors Denmark, Norway, and Finland—Sweden did not institute a strict lockdown. The government did, in late March, ban public gatherings of more than 50 people, including at theaters and sporting events. But the country decided to let most bars, restaurants, primary schools, and retail shops stay open. Universities and high schools were closed, and people were urged to work from home if possible. Some social distancing rules were adopted, such as limiting the number of customers at a time in shops and providing only table service at bars and restaurants.

Noting the recent drop in the daily tally of COVID-19 cases, Tegnell observed on August 9, "Exactly why this happened at that time and why it was so quick and sudden, is difficult for us to understand." Tegnell acknowledges that the results of antibody blood tests do not find that enough Swedes have been infected and recovered to confer herd immunity as would be conventionally expected by epidemiologists.

So what could explain the "quick and sudden" drop in Sweden's COVID-19 case and death rates? This is very speculative, but Swedish public health authorities may have accidentally blundered into herd immunity through a combination of previously unsuspected extensive pre-existing T-cell immunity to the coronavirus and differential risks of infection due to social interaction variations among its people.


Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
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Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
Does the virus just get weaker and not really herd immunity because what about babies who are just born and not part of the herd. Like the Spanish Flu, where did it go? I was not part of a herd in 1918, so why haven't I caught the Spanish Flu? What about the Hong Kong flu in 1968 or so? I caught that but I have never worried my kids would get it and the H1N1 where is it now? Why is it when flu season starts people get tested for mostly is for influenza A or B?


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
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mid-Michigan, USoA
Does the virus just get weaker and not really herd immunity because what about babies who are just born and not part of the herd. Like the Spanish Flu, where did it go? I was not part of a herd in 1918, so why haven't I caught the Spanish Flu? What about the Hong Kong flu in 1968 or so? I caught that but I have never worried my kids would get it and the H1N1 where is it now? Why is it when flu season starts people get tested for mostly is for influenza A or B?

if it mutates it might, but otherwise no.

babies can be infected.

Spanish flu went around, infected everyone who was succeptible and then after that it was gone because everyone who'd had it and fought it off did and those that didn't fight it off died from it. the chain of transmission was broken enough that it could not keep spreading so it went away. if a virus is too nasty it will effectively kill off all the hosts and then itself will be killed off because there's nobody else to infect. if covid were that bad we'd have several million dead.

at this point i think what has happened is that the people who are out and about the most have likely already got it and gotten over it. those that were in places where people weren't the most careful got the worst of it, but once those places were infected then that was the first hard part. every place else has been run tight enough that only a few now are getting it here or there so it is trickling in as older people and people with complications get caught by someone not being careful enough. i still think there are a lot of people succeptible to this that haven't been exposed yet. i just hope a vaccine comes along quick enough to get the health care people and the caretakers for those at most risk to get vaccinated and then let everyone else get it. perhaps older people the next step down could go next as they are more at risk than the younger people, etc.

the various flus come around each season. H1N1 is a threat but it hasn't gotten out badly enough yet to cause a pandemic. the flu vaccine is made about a year in advance based upon what is circulating in certain areas of the world. they hope to get the flu vaccine right, but it is not an exact science yet. what makes the northern hemisphere flu season is more people going back inside instead of being outside and the return to schools from the summer vacation. it will be interesting to see what happens this year as more people will be home schooling or remote schooling and a lot of people haven't been mixing as much this summer so various bugs haven't had as much of a chance to spread.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
if it mutates it might, but otherwise no.

babies can be infected.

Spanish flu went around, infected everyone who was succeptible and then after that it was gone because everyone who'd had it and fought it off did and those that didn't fight it off died from it. the chain of transmission was broken enough that it could not keep spreading so it went away. if a virus is too nasty it will effectively kill off all the hosts and then itself will be killed off because there's nobody else to infect. if covid were that bad we'd have several million dead.

The only thing that bugs me about the Spanish Flu, my dad was 8 and my mother 3 and lots of aunts and uncles and grandparents and nobody ever talked about it. They talked about the Depression and wars, but never did anybody in my family talk about the Spanish flu or die. Strange how illness is. My mother lived in a house with her dad and grandmother and her dad died of TB, and 12 years later her grandmother died of TB. My mother and her sister never caught it. Her sister when 3 months old got smallpox and lived and my mother did not get it. She did not get the mumps until she was 50 years old when my brother got the mumps and I was 9 and I never had the mumps living in the same house with those 2 and I remember how they looked.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
The only thing that bugs me about the Spanish Flu, my dad was 8 and my mother 3 and lots of aunts and uncles and grandparents and nobody ever talked about it. They talked about the Depression and wars, but never did anybody in my family talk about the Spanish flu or die. Strange how illness is. My mother lived in a house with her dad and grandmother and her dad died of TB, and 12 years later her grandmother died of TB. My mother and her sister never caught it. Her sister when 3 months old got smallpox and lived and my mother did not get it. She did not get the mumps until she was 50 years old when my brother got the mumps and I was 9 and I never had the mumps living in the same house with those 2 and I remember how they looked.

if you want to read about some scary stuff read up on the multiple drug resistant TB that is going around (mostly in other countries with poor health care systems, but it does make it's appearances here in the USoA too).

a part of any germ's history is going to be how it spreads and in some cases people were lucky or in a remote area and it didn't get to them. later on there were vaccines and herd immunity which kept infections from spreading to everyone. where we are with covid we don't really know yet because not everyone has been tested and there is no vaccine. a lot of people have anecdotally said they think they had it already, but how many of those reports are true? dunno. the beat goes on.

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