

Garden Addicted
Jun 30, 2017
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Rotterdam, Holland


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
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Trinity County Texas
Very well put @Zeedman. We wear our masks when we go to town. I don't feel that we are in danger, but if we were sick, I would hate to spread it around unknowingly. I am tired of being bludgeoned by "science" that seems to change like changing socks and underwear. It doesn't seem to make much difference who is telling the story or the news, they are not trustworthy. I am tired of the arrogant attitudes of the holier than thou, who are no more right or wrong than those that they disagree with. Social media fans the flames of discontent, people are losing their livelihoods, jobs and businesses. Corona virus is being used as a political tool by both sides, who are doing this country no favor. Bickering amongst ourselves does us no favor either.

This virus is disrupting the entire world. Critical medical treatment is stressed, overwhelming the system in many places. Hard to believe, but while hospitals are crying for help, at the same time they furlough other nurses! This I have first hand from nurses here in our area that I know. Crazy.


Garden Master
May 15, 2008
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Eastern Panhandle, WV
This virus is disrupting the entire world. Critical medical treatment is stressed, overwhelming the system in many places. Hard to believe, but while hospitals are crying for help, at the same time they furlough other nurses! This I have first hand from nurses here in our area that I know. Crazy.

Maybe in the bigger cities? In our local towns the hospitals are a dead zone....nobody in the ER waiting rooms, very little activity at all, very few in the ICU other than regular patients there for heart, stroke, and other regular diseases.

The medical staff are weary with all the hype of corona and all the new restrictions, but they certainly are far from stressed~I've been in there with a kidney stone for some overnight stays and I'm a nurse...I can tell when nurses are so busy they can't think straight~it's simply not happening. It's just the opposite, which is why they are laying off nurses. They are "crying for help" because they get government funding if they appear "stressed"'s all a shell game. If they were that stressed, with all beds filled with plandemic patients, they'd be fully staffed and needing more...but they don't. The evidence is in the "they don't"....can't take care of all these millions of so called sick people without any nurses, so the clear evidence is that there are no "millions of corona sufferers" at all.

Zeedman is many more people does the forum want to lose to this idiocy because people get angry when someone doesn't follow the party line? Believe it if you want, live your lives the way you wish, but please stop trying to gag others or beat them over the head with your belief system...if you are comfortable with your beliefs, you shouldn't need everyone else to believe them also in order for you to feel good about yourself.

This used to be the friendliest forum of all these sister sites but it no longer is. Everyone here is pretty well set in their ways and you won't change them no matter how many times you insult them or push that mad or sad face why do it? To offend? To express your anger that they simply don't agree with you? Is that a shock to you that some people don't agree with you? Really? Time to grow up then.

Clearly there are two sides to this situation and each side SHOULD be able to express themselves about it without getting bashed by the other side. Think before you post, be it in words or your little passive aggressive emoticons, as there are real people on the other side of the screen, people you used to talk cheerfully with about gardening and life and have done so for many a long year. Is this topic worth losing that good thing in this world just so you can push yourself down their throats? Posting an article or information is fine, it's just information that you believe is pertinent for others to know....commenting on it in a negative way is just not fine. If you don't have anything nice to say, my suggestion is to say nothing at all. It really works.... just like our mothers told us.
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Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
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mid-Michigan, USoA
um, that's what science is, figuring things out as you get more information.

imagine a politician willingly asking for people to limit activities which reduce tax revenues.

that should actually be a clue that the apocolypse is coming.

nobody that i know likes to wear masks (unless they are the Lone Ranger).

as for changing needs at hospitals. yes, that's surely happened as people have changed their habits. that hospitals had to change their staffing wouldn't be any surprise. i doubt however that anyone qualified didn't pick up a new job. have you seen any recent news that nursing staff are out of work or not in demand? not me.

valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
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Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert
Dr. Professor of Medicine at Stanford University:
Where to Go from Here

Last week I met with two other epidemiologists—Dr. Sunetra Gupta of Oxford University and Dr. Martin Kulldorff of Harvard University—in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. The three of us come from very different disciplinary backgrounds and from very different parts of the political spectrum. Yet we had arrived at the same view—the view that the widespread lockdown policy has been a devastating public health mistake. In response, we wrote and issued the Great Barrington Declaration, which can be viewed—along with explanatory videos, answers to frequently asked questions, a list of co-signers, etc.—online at


Garden Master
Dec 10, 2016
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East-central Wisconsin
As @flowerbug stated on another thread (which @digitS' linked above) it's not that hospitals are overloaded, it's their ICU & ER capacity. Other specialty areas within those hospitals (such as dermatology or orthopedics) are seeing reduced usage, because fear of Covid - and "safer at home" restrictions - have caused many to postpone treatment who might otherwise have come.

It seems to fly in the face of logic for hospitals to be laying off staff during the pandemic; but like any other business, they need to respond to increased needs (or lack thereof) by making appropriate adjustments to staff. I'm sure that many of those being laid off were offered the option to temporarily relocate to other departments. But not every hospital employee has the proper training to deal with Covid, nor should they be forced into that position against their will.


Garden Master
Aug 22, 2012
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SW Washington
I was hospitalized for a couple days 2 weeks ago in Vancouver, Wa.. In the admitance area, the staff was kind of stressed and said that they were working overtime. One said that the nurse in charge of this area quit to take a higher paying job as a on call uber taxi driver using her car. I talked to another nurse who said that her male co-worker nurse quit to work as an electrition for higher pay. :idunno Just another view- point or ? .

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