

Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
I don't want a vaccine that has been produced in such a short time. Vaccines are usually killed virus (safest) or modified live virus. At least one of the new vaccines has nano technology in it and must be kept at -70 degrees. I don't have confidence in injecting nano technology into my body, nor do I have confidence in the handling capabilities of multiple locations in the chain from manufacturers to the end user, in keeping the vaccine at -70.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA

how did you go to school? many schools will not let kids in without some vaccinations and it would be a very strange doctor who didn't give kids their vaccinations as they were growing up.

the only vaccination i've had as an adult is the tetanus booster which actually can be a booster for a few other diseases besides tetanus too. as a near hermit i don't get around people that often and i don't get sick that often either.

after seeing what a few people have gone through with shingles i'm planning on getting that vaccine the next time i go for my 10yr checkup.

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
well it has hit here on the island and after we were doing so well :rant masks are pretty much mandatory, we've been warned to stay in our own little bubbles, so far it's on the honor system :fl.
Good luck with that, it was and still is how IOWA is doing it. Not much honor :( Numbers are rising yet and we have one of the worst infection rates in the country. :(

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
I don't want a vaccine that has been produced in such a short time. Vaccines are usually killed virus (safest) or modified live virus. At least one of the new vaccines has nano technology in it and must be kept at -70 degrees. I don't have confidence in injecting nano technology into my body, nor do I have confidence in the handling capabilities of multiple locations in the chain from manufacturers to the end user, in keeping the vaccine at -70.
There are one or two other vaccines being tested that will have a better shelf life, No cold storage needed. By the time they are widely distributed I am sure we will have a better choice. :fl


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
My Mother had Polio as a young woman. My sister can remember her being in a ward at the hospital and Our Daddy taking her and my brother to see her. Mom was left with a tremor in her right hand and arm, she got off light. I remember her taking me as a small child, standing in a long line for what seemed forever, for me to be given a pink sugar cube, which I immediately ate.

I got all the vaccines for going to school. I have never taken a flu shot, probably never will. I doubt that I will take a covid shot either. The controversary swirling around it, the rumors of a "vaccine passport" and mandatory vaccination smacks of too much politics. Not being able to even go into a store to shop with out proof of vaccination is going too far. Government needs to offer it to the population, same as is done with flu vaccination and back the heck off this mandatory crap. We are not Communist China.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Trinity County Texas
Good luck with that, it was and still is how IOWA is doing it. Not much honor :( Numbers are rising yet and we have one of the worst infection rates in the country. :(

I saw a map of the worst areas yesterday and was surprised to see Iowa in the darkest red on the chart. I don't see how people can avoid it. It seems that you could dig an underground shelter stocked with 5 years of food and water, and the virus would still find you.


Garden Addicted
Dec 24, 2018
Reaction score
My Mother had Polio as a young woman. My sister can remember her being in a ward at the hospital and Our Daddy taking her and my brother to see her. Mom was left with a tremor in her right hand and arm, she got off light. I remember her taking me as a small child, standing in a long line for what seemed forever, for me to be given a pink sugar cube, which I immediately ate.

I got all the vaccines for going to school. I have never taken a flu shot, probably never will. I doubt that I will take a covid shot either. The controversary swirling around it, the rumors of a "vaccine passport" and mandatory vaccination smacks of too much politics. Not being able to even go into a store to shop with out proof of vaccination is going too far. Government needs to offer it to the population, same as is done with flu vaccination and back the heck off this mandatory crap. We are not Communist China.
Not yet. They say on alot of news media that the Great Reset is coming. By 2030 no one will own anything. I said this to people years and years ago. No one believes.
There is a video on youtube called, It's just a Mask.... very eye opening.
All I know is there is no way in H.E. /. /. Im taking a vaccine rushed thru with mRNA in it and nano tracer technology in it. Im not religious, but it smacks mark of the beast to me. Im not the only one who feels this way.
If you want to see the agenda the WEF has in mind, go to thier website. Besides us not owning anything, we wont be eating meat anymore except as a "treat".
We are in a fight. A fight for our freedom. Our right to own firearms, property, and free speech. Unless we stand up, you can kiss it all goodbye.
Last edited:

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
how did you go to school? many schools will not let kids in without some vaccinations and it would be a very strange doctor who didn't give kids their vaccinations as they were growing up.

the only vaccination i've had as an adult is the tetanus booster which actually can be a booster for a few other diseases besides tetanus too. as a near hermit i don't get around people that often and i don't get sick that often either.

after seeing what a few people have gone through with shingles i'm planning on getting that vaccine the next time i go for my 10yr checkup.
I am not sure how old you are, but one thing people need to understand are their rights. My parents decided not to vaccinate my brother or me after my dad's friend had his kids vaccinated in 1955. That was the year I was born and the Cutter Incident happened. My dad's friend's child died and my dad said he would never have us vaccinated. You could go to any school and say you had objection to the vaccine requirements. No doctor could force you to do anything, and YES, I find doctors strange. My next door neighbor had her 3 month old vaccinated and she died the day she had the vaccines. She researched it and there is a connection to red hair gene and premature, which her child was, and so her other daughters never had their children vaccinated when they grew up. My neighbor in a different state had her kids vaccinated and they would have green stuff in nose, and next time go get shots and have earaches, their whole family parents and all earaches, and then their redheaded daughter age 4 had a grand mal seizure. I live in a state now that has an anti-vaccination group and one of the members is a woman I saw on the news. She was all over the local news here. She took her perfectly healthy 8-month-old boy to get shots and died the next day. She kept asking if it was the shots, and found out several other families had adverse reactions in their children in the same clinic. I am not sure they ever proved the vaccines were bad or not. As for shingles, the vaccine Zostavax a live-attenuated vaccine, which I am not sure they use now, but were giving to cancer patients when DH was getting chemotherapy. It even warns to stay away from pregnant women or children not vaccinated and immune compromised after being vaccinated. They shed the live virus and many of the cancer patients got shingles including DH who did not get the vaccine. The nurse said it is so strange, we have so many shingle cases right now. The DOCTOR told me that I could NOT get chickenpox from a person with shingles and anyway a woman age 61 already was vaccinated or had chickenpox. I said no, I am not vaccinated and I never had it or my kids and she would not believe me, basically laughed at me and touched everything in the room, my husband’s back, the table, the door handle, everything with no gloves. I am not sure any other patient or nurse came in that room and was exposed, but I did get chickenpox and both kids from the shingles. When DD was born the hospital gave me papers about vaccinations and said after she was vaccinated and I am not sure which vaccine it was but to warn anybody who was going to be changing diapers and this was a live virus and could be dangerous to those with compromised immune function. So now they have this magic COVID vaccine WARP SPEED, hurried through to be used and I am to trust this. Actually, I am stocking up food and staying home for a long time because I believe these people will be shedding this virus all over, which I read they used the adenovirus in the vaccine and they still have no vaccine against adenovirus and the flu shots have to be changed each year, and to add on top of that the Catholic bishops are telling their congregations not to take this vaccine because of the fetal tissue in it and I have a problem with that, and not only fetal tissue but any tissue of anything else. People still have rights to go to school IN SOME states and wave the vaccine requirements. The worry I am reading from people will be that their bosses will tell them to get this vaccine or lose their job and others worry you will not be able to travel to another state or go into a grocery store, which could happen when we have to show papers for who knows what besides vaccines. I hear people all the time say YOU HAVE TO HAVE YOUR KIDS VACCINATED OR THEY CANNOT GO TO SCHOOL. They think the government already owns them, so they will when the older people are gone. There are vaccines I think that worked, the smallpox I believe was a miracle and of course rabies, but I am not sure what else. Your statement that you only have had a tetanus shot as an adult, then you are not fully vaccinated. That is the problem of the people against vaccines now. I hear so many people 70 or 80 years old, I had my kids vaccinated and they are all fine, well it was like 4 vaccines or something. Now it is look below.

Birth to 15 Months

child vaccine schedule table 1​
1 mo
2 mos
4 mos
6 mos
9 mos
12 mos
15 mos
1st dose2nd dose←3rd dose→
1st dose2nd doseSee notes
1st dose2nd dose3rd dose←4th dose→
1st dose2nd doseSee notes←3rd or 4th dose,
See notes
1st dose2nd dose3rd dose←4th dose→
1st dose2nd dose←3rd dose→
Influenza (IIV)
Annual vaccination 1 or 2 doses

Influenza (LAIV)
See notes←1st dose→
←1st dose→
See notes←2-dose series, See notes
See notes
18 Months to 18 Years

child vaccine schedule table 2​
18 mos
19-23 mos
2-3 yrs
4-6 yrs
7-10 yrs
11-12 yrs
13-15 yrs
16 yrs
17-18 yrs
←3rd dose→
←4th dose→5th dose
←3rd dose→4th dose
Influenza (IIV)
Annual vaccination 1 or 2 dosesAnnual vaccination 1 dose only

Influenza (LAIV)
Annual vaccination 1 or 2 dosesAnnual vaccination 1 dose only
2nd dose
2nd dose
← 2-dose series, See notes
See notes
See notes1st dose2nd dose
See notes
See notes
Last edited:

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
I don't want a vaccine that has been produced in such a short time. Vaccines are usually killed virus (safest) or modified live virus. At least one of the new vaccines has nano technology in it and must be kept at -70 degrees. I don't have confidence in injecting nano technology into my body, nor do I have confidence in the handling capabilities of multiple locations in the chain from manufacturers to the end user, in keeping the vaccine at -70.

I heard that about the temperature and that is basically frightening and they picked Texas for one of the first states to use it. About live virus, when I was raising greyhounds farms all around started getting distemper right after being vaccinated. My friend had several litters of puppies all had severe form of distemper including blindness, all died. They all bought the vaccines at the same place same batch. This did not stop us from vaccinating against distemper, but in the business I was in, we had to have our dogs hauled and they went to different states, and so they had to have booster shots, and we started noticing higher incidents of dogs having seizures. Animals are one thing, but your children or yourself, you have got to have confidence.

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
Not yet. They say on alot of news mefia that the Great Reset is coming. By 2030 no one will own anything. I said this to people years and years ago. No one believes.
There is a video on youtube called, It's just a Mask.... very eye opening.
All I know is there is no way in H.E. /. /. Im taking a vaccine rushed thru with mRNA in it and nano tracer technology in it. Im not religious, but it smacks mark of the beast to me. Im not the only one who feels this way.
If you want to see the agenda the WEF has in mind, go to thier website. Besides us not owning anything, we wont be eating meat anymore except as a "treat".
We are in a fight. A fight for our freedom. Our right to own firearms, property, and free speech. Unless we stand up, you can kiss it all goodbye.

That's my problem too. One thing after another to make us do what they say. What they have put in these vaccines I think is to mock God and nothing else. No reason any dead baby parts could prevent you from getting COVID.

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