Deeply Rooted
Last fall I had to mark where the (not currently used, but prone to damage by being stomped on) old sump outflow pipe comes out into the ditch in the back yard.
I used 6 bamboo tomato stakes to make a teepee over the spot, then cut some clematis vines (C. tangutica, so they're covered with lots and lots of fluffy seedheads) and wired them onto the teepee in a loose ascending spiral. Stuck some sedum 'Autumn Joy' seedheads on the very top.
The result looks like a stylized Christmas tree made out of clematis vines and tomato stakes.
(Edited to add: wait, I found a photo from a couple days ago, the Craft Object Thing is in the lower right quadrant - in my defense, let's remember that it looked a lot less, er, Spartan before we had a winter's worth of ice, snow and wind:
Well, technically it's a craft, right? You didn't specify 'fancy' or 'good'
Pat, whose outdoor crafty projects lean more towards tying trimmed tree branches together with baler twine to make temporary windbreak panels for newly planted things, or plunking a section of old TV aerial tower in the ground to grow a clematis on ;P
I used 6 bamboo tomato stakes to make a teepee over the spot, then cut some clematis vines (C. tangutica, so they're covered with lots and lots of fluffy seedheads) and wired them onto the teepee in a loose ascending spiral. Stuck some sedum 'Autumn Joy' seedheads on the very top.
The result looks like a stylized Christmas tree made out of clematis vines and tomato stakes.
(Edited to add: wait, I found a photo from a couple days ago, the Craft Object Thing is in the lower right quadrant - in my defense, let's remember that it looked a lot less, er, Spartan before we had a winter's worth of ice, snow and wind:

Well, technically it's a craft, right? You didn't specify 'fancy' or 'good'
Pat, whose outdoor crafty projects lean more towards tying trimmed tree branches together with baler twine to make temporary windbreak panels for newly planted things, or plunking a section of old TV aerial tower in the ground to grow a clematis on ;P