Ridgerunner, I think people try and get animals to conform to what we "think" they need. On the ground, dark nest boxes with a curtain, etc. Not knocking those who do these things. If it works for you...go for it. We try and live more along the lines of, let them do what they do. They know how to do it better than we do!
No names for the chickens any more. I actually only have 1 with a name. She is a Partridge Rock and we call her PR. Yes, I know...very original. And the roo, is called Roo. I stopped naming them two years ago. We had mostly Speckled Sussex which were very hard to tell apart and now we have mostly all Australorps which are equally as hard to tell apart.
This "special" hen should probably have a name though. I like all of your suggestions.