Dad Fell Off Ladder Drove To ER


Garden Master
May 15, 2008
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Eastern Panhandle, WV
That's the dilemma isn't it Bee. "As long as he's not endangering anyone else and he's in his right mind"

When do you pull the plug and take the keys away? You are taking away what independence they have left. Unless the decision is made for you because of medical conditions it is not easy. I don't know how I'll react in that situation, I suspect I'll be pretty stubborn about it.

I'll be stubborn about it too...I love to drive, I'm always the driver and I never had a man around to have to share that with, so it's a huge part of my life and independence.

That is always a delicate fence to balance upon...that one and the financial thing. Both are symbols of a person's independence in this world and it's hard to know when to step in. Easier to tell when they are making mistakes with driving, but just as difficult to take away the license. Had to do it with my Dad and also had to convince Mom to get her license~Dad would never let her do so.

At the age of 75 she got her driver's license and took over the driving...HUGE deal for Dad. He even hid the truck keys once and we never did find them. It wasn't long after that he took off in the middle of the night with the truck, drove all the way across the state, got lost, finally made it home at 3am. That episode resulted in involuntary commitment to the state mental facility for treatment...that was the end of normal life as he knew it. A huge sadness.

The financial part is much tougher...don't want to pry into their business, don't want to have the responsibility of taking over their bills and income and trying to keep it all straight, but the time eventually comes around all the same. I'm dreading it with my mother and also the driving thing....she LOVES her driving and the independence it has brought to her.


Garden Master
Oct 2, 2010
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White Plains NY,weekends Lagrange NY.
Last night I took my dad to dinner he was in a very good mood not sure if it was because of painkiller or all the attention. We went to diner we go to every Sunday everyone knows him and made a big deal over his fall. One waitress gave him free pie. I asked him a lot of questions during dinner, his mind is still sharp. My dad drove heavy construction equipment, he had a special licence to do it. So giving up driving is double hard for him. His driving is very limited to about 3miles unless he feels dog needs to be groomed. The last time at kennel we had a big fight, the whole rear of his car was almost dragging on ground. I told him car was unsafe needed to go to mechanic, he said the back tires needed air and drove off.


Garden Master
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
San Francisco East Bay
Last night I took my dad to dinner he was in a very good mood not sure if it was because of painkiller or all the attention. We went to diner we go to every Sunday everyone knows him and made a big deal over his fall. One waitress gave him free pie. I asked him a lot of questions during dinner, his mind is still sharp. My dad drove heavy construction equipment, he had a special licence to do it. So giving up driving is double hard for him. His driving is very limited to about 3miles unless he feels dog needs to be groomed. The last time at kennel we had a big fight, the whole rear of his car was almost dragging on ground. I told him car was unsafe needed to go to mechanic, he said the back tires needed air and drove off.
Remember that each day that you have him is a blessing. No matter if he makes your blood boil. Be thankful you have him because one day you won't.



Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
Last night I took my dad to dinner he was in a very good mood not sure if it was because of painkiller or all the attention. We went to diner we go to every Sunday everyone knows him and made a big deal over his fall. One waitress gave him free pie. I asked him a lot of questions during dinner, his mind is still sharp. My dad drove heavy construction equipment, he had a special licence to do it. So giving up driving is double hard for him. His driving is very limited to about 3miles unless he feels dog needs to be groomed. The last time at kennel we had a big fight, the whole rear of his car was almost dragging on ground. I told him car was unsafe needed to go to mechanic, he said the back tires needed air and drove off.

Yer dad is such a hoot!!! :gig I think I would enjoy him very much. I can see where you get your quirky and funny personality, NY, though you don't seem to be a bit stubborn. :hugs

They just don't make them like that anymore and this unique and wonderful older generation is quickly disappearing. Think of the things they have lived through~ the wars, the economy highs and lows, fuel and food rationing, soup lines, the presidents, the social tensions of racism, and the diseases they hadn't started vaccinating for just yet. Amazing, isn't it? Like walking World Encyclopedias.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Here's something that bothers olde me :old.

I knew 3 of my grandparents. I have a Gen X child and a Millennial. Do my children show any interest in what I remember about their great grandfather and grandmothers? Don't seem to, not in the least.

What my mother and aunts & uncles have told me about their parents could round out the picture. I've really never had the opportunity to share. These aunts and uncles in the older generations are all gone. The grandchildren, my cousins, are between about 55 and 90. The younger ones never met their grandparents but those Silent and Boomer generations are going.

What are my kids thinking? Maybe, we just don't care until we realize how few share our memories of people who were important to us, once upon a time.


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