Garden Master
Well, WONDERS NEVER CEASE !!!!!!!If you click on the pink area of my quote, your reply will show up in the box also.

Well, WONDERS NEVER CEASE !!!!!!!If you click on the pink area of my quote, your reply will show up in the box also.
Stands to reason......she was a teacher teaching what not to do.We had the workman's comp representative come to speak to the teachers in my school years ago on avoiding accidents. A teacher in another school had broken both her legs piling 2 chairs on top of one another and then onto a desk to decorate the room. Warned us against that. Hahahaha
Ya know, we all have limitations. Some have balance problems. I do.If you click on the pink area of my quote, your reply will show up in the box also.
There is no cure for getting old.
I don't want to be babied and protected from myself.
Protecting others from myself - yes for sure. But I want to do what I can for as long as I can, because once you stop doing, it's a fast slide down.