Journey I think you are right! They look to be the Crepis Capillaris. I looked at the links you provided, then googled for more. They are in the dandelion family, the flowers made some good jelly, good wine and good tea.Bay, I did some Googling, and I think your tall dandelions may be Smooth Hawksbeard, Crepis capillaris (or one of several other Hawksbeards -- all edible), which has basal rosette leaves that look very much like dandelions, but the flowers are borne on branched stems, which the dandelions don't do. It is very closely related to plain old dandelions though, Taraxacum officinale.
Actually made dandelion jelly-way too much work. I've had dandelion greens, strong but OK.
Actually made dandelion jelly-way too much work. I've had dandelion greens, strong but OK.