Garden Master
On a side note, we got a LOT of rain last night and I had dug some of my holes out a bit more a few days ago.. This is what I found this AM -- obviously the drainage rates are different between these two holes that are about 5-6 feet apart. If you have any ideas on what the scum is on top of the first pic I'd love to know as it's not the first time I've seen it. Both holes are about the same depth -- the 2nd pic is perhaps about 6" shallower -- but the first image is dug to a depth of 36".. The water level is perhaps about 4-5" from the top of the hole. I had started to dig out the outline of the planter which is why you see various levels.
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the scum could just be foam from where the water formed as run off, like from a down spout/what comes off the roof or the pavement or just what is in the soil. salts, organic matter, soaps if you are using any greywater as irrigation water. hard to say without seeing the whole site/layout of the land there...
oh and the difference in levels may also just have to do with one hole being more in line with whatever drainage there might be (above or below the surface) - hmm, though i don't see any obvious erosion or signs of water flow there at the edges... ok, in the first pic at the left edge it does appear to be a bit of water flow erosion there...
nice to have some rain!