
Mar 11, 2025
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Circleville, Ohio
So I needed dirt and my husband dug the ditch out and then I thought, hmm, we used a hose to drain the washing machine bc we were having septic tank issues. So I wanted to know, I've gotten both yes and no. Can I use that dirt? It's had homemade laundry detergent with washing soda borax and the Kirk's soap lemon balm from my garden but there was a time we were so backed up I wljisy went and bought a thing of detergent arm and hammer and way before u started making my own i used tide


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
I am thinking probably NOT.
As you know, it is suggested to use Insecticidal soap as a natural pesticide.
Dish soap and laundry soap will kill plants.
If you need fertilizer for your garden, start with purchasing potting soil, but, as the mowing season gets underway, rake up your grass clippings IF you don't use any chemicals on your lawn, pile them up to compost OR spread them around your vegetables and herbs and flowers (except wildflowers which like the crummiest soil, for some reason :hu) and they are the cheapest way to fix your soil.
This fall rake up any leaves and Keep them. Pile them up, add kitchen leftovers (never meat or oils) and make your own compost which is really a natural fertilizer.
Do not pay attention to NOT using any leaf mold--or anything Else--that might contain weed seeds!
It is great exercise to hand rake or hoe weeds out when they sprout, and, if you don't use this you will be missing out.
Start online and look for the easiest FOR YOU ways to compost and create your own!
Take it from somebody who has had an ongoing war with burdock!! Weeding is a never ending cycle, but clay won't produce anything.
IF weeds don't have any seeds attached you can also compost those and they break down quickly. Most of them have hollow stems that makes them dry out quicker and they go from green to brown quickly.
Brown/green=2/1 in your compost
Mar 11, 2025
Reaction score
Circleville, Ohio
Okay yea I was probably going to do more ground beds this year, but I have used totes and buckets in the past. I might buy a few bags of dirt bc I wanna start potting fresh dirt. We compost rabbit manure and chicken duck turkey manure goes in a pile to rest.. amd sometimes i rake up leaves but sometimes ill rake them to the chicken run they love going through them. Yea burdock was annoying, I did want to try to grow it bc I read in a medicinal book you could cook the roots, I'm still researching medicinal herbs and plants. We moved our chicken run so I'm just tilling it up and using that first . I think I'll use that dirt I asked about to fill in the ditch in front yard. Its reallynhard to grow in clay weve got a bunch of it.. orlur last raised bed garden last year had a lot of clay it was jard to breaknit up and i dont thinknthe plants dod very well in it except potatoes werent too bad and another time i grew zucchini and squash.. morning glories and that wa a pain. Thanks for all your tips!!

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