Dirty feet!!


Deeply Rooted
Mar 21, 2009
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On the beautiful Salish Sea
this is a good thread! Feet are your best friends so treat them with lots of love and care! as a nurse I see so many folks coming in with foot injuries that lead to horrid infections so everyone should be very careful and if you do get injured take care of it and cover them up do not go back in the garden in flip flops or crocks barefoot with an injury or wow you could (I have seen) end up with a mess on your feet!
also another hint ..I do love pedicures but have myself stopped going except once or twice a year ..I schedule as the first client of the morning and only go where they have spotless facilities and an autoclave for the tools ..make sure they open the package in front of me
ok enough bossy me :p I just know feet are and can be a huge problem as we age so caring for them is very very important to your over all health!

I have basket of heavy duty garden socks especially for such purpose but since I wear work boots to garden my socks stay fairly clean ..my boots however are kind of gross but that I call the "patina" of a good pair of work boots!

I am a work boots kind of gal and really appreciate a good pair with good support and heft ..I find with good support to my feet..I have less overall fatigue..can work more hours outside and my feet stay clean, never hurt, I never get splinters, stings or anything gross like slug slime on them ...

you can buy some folks jewels, cars, all kinds of pretty things.. ...but to make me the happiest of women ...buy me good steel shank/toed work boots and heavy duty socks and I feel competely happy! Feet are way too important to me to risk hurting them.

I hate the way callused feet feel on the bedsheets!


Garden Ornament
Mar 31, 2009
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Norman County, MN
I guess I just go barefoot or in flip flops... we have that nice velvety Minnesota black dirt, so its kind of irresistible for my tootsies.

I just give them a scrub in the shower, and if they have stains in the callouses that bother ppl I dont care too much, I have a nice garden to show for it!


Garden Ornament
Jan 14, 2009
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Minnesota-zone 3/4
As a kid, I use to go barefoot ALL the time during the summer. Then I heard about hookworms. I know I probably won't get hookworms, but STILL the idea is so gross!:sick

An important aspect of a responsible dog owner is to be able to prevent the spread of disease from pets to humans. There are two common parasites that transmit disease through their waste: roundworm and hookworm
Another type of parasite that is very similar to a roundworm is hookworm. This type of worm enters its host in a different way. Infectious larvae of the hookworm directly penetrate the skin where it comes in contact with soil or sand contaminated with feces. Unlike roundworms, hookworms are not suited to live inside the human body and eventually die after moving a few inches under the skin. The inflammation is usually called creeping eruption and eventually disappears after a few weeks or sometimes months.


Garden Ornament
Feb 22, 2009
Reaction score
Charleston, SC - Zone 8
creeping eruption :sick

We have a lake at our dog park and I used to go wading in it until I thought about how gross it must be from all the poo run-off, etc.
I only walk in the grassy part of our yard after the lawn has been mowed. That way I can see any poops that were missed during pooper-scooping. Luckily the garden is fenced in, no dogs allowed! :)

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