I just read a letter posted online that was written by my grandfather's cousin to his daughter. Here it is (emphasis is mine):
office of
County Surveyor of Latimer County
Jan 14th 1922
Very Dear Flo:~
I and the undersheriff Dennis Wright went to Hughs yesterday to appraise some land
and at Red Oak they were quarantined. They let us through, but would not let us come back
through Red Oak so we turned and went South and came around by way of Cravens about 10
miles out of the way.
There has been three deaths here so far from Smallpox. (names people who died) I want
you all to be very careful, and not go to no gatherings. The school has closed here. The shows
have closed. No preaching on Sunday. Only four are supposed to be in one store at a time.
You got sulphur and cream tarter, and take that pretty often, and keep the place fumigated
with carbolic acid water. I hear that this isn't any getting well who take it. I understand all of Le
Flore Co is quarantined...
I am staying away from it all I can. Its well enough to be careful, and stay out of crowds
and away from people who are running around over the Country...
...all of us are getting by so far all right. You must tell Punkins, Grandpa is coming one of
these days and he will bring Santa Claus too.
NBC affiliate has reported that Montana death rate exceeded its birthrate for the first time since records began to be kept in 1908.
Quoting the state's Department of Public Health,
COVID-19 is listed as the 3rd leading cause of deaths.
These statistics will begin coming in for all states. They will show in a crude and heavy-handed way, the effects of the pandemic through 2020. History, there is no honest way to turn our backs from it.
Michigan is heading into another increase in infections. 11 days ago it was 980, now it is 2,000-4,000 per day and hospitalisations have been going back up. supposedly the new UK variant and perhaps others is now driving this surge, but also just plain stupidity. i hope all the people at the most risk got their vaccinations. i can finally sign up for one Monday, but i don't know when i will actually be able to get one.
once restrictions came off again everyone went nuts with risky behaviors and ignoring common sense.
i've also face planted into the edge of a wheelbarrow as i was pushing it. caught me right in the bridge of the nose where my glasses were at. bent them really good and bled out a bit. now have a dent there that nobody sees because my glasses are there. *whew*
the best one, as a kid, pulling down a tree fort from an oak tree with a big chain and a piece of rope, the rope broke and the big chain came right down on my head. i had chain patterned lumps on my head for a few days.
^ these should all be a clear reason why i am today what i am.